3 Common Problems You Could Face With Dental Implants

Dental implants in Richmond are a great way of replacing missing teeth and it’s worth noting that the success rate is high at well over 90%. However some problems can arise from procedures if the implants aren’t cared for properly. Although to a high degree the success of an implant depends on the competence and knowledge of the surgeon, the longevity of an implant also relies on a commitment by the patient to maintain a high level of oral hygiene. Here are 3 common problems which can arise if the greatest of care isn’t taken with implants.


dental implants in RichmondSometimes bacteria can be present at the implant site and this can infect the implant. This isn’t necessarily through any wrong doing on the part of the surgeon and in most cases antibiotics can be used successfully to treat it. Because of this risk, however, as a routine measure surgeons often administer a course of antibiotics to their patients either before or after the dental implant procedure.

Another cause of infection to a dental implant is periodontitis or advanced gum disease and this can have lethal effects on an implant. Because it causes inflammation of the gum tissue and in severe cases can damage bone, the stability of the implant is compromised and it may become loose and eventually fall out. This is one of the most common causes of implant failure and happens because a patient becomes complacent about brushing and flossing and as a result their oral health declines.

Misplaced implants

Sometimes implants can be placed in the wrong position due to inexperience on the part of the implant dentist. Implants that are placed in an area where there is insufficient bone to completely envelop the implant are unlikely to stabilise effectively. In other instances an implant may find itself in a nose or sinus cavity, which could have been avoided if the dentist had used 3D scanning and computer imagery prior to placing the implants. Naturally these will have to be removed and the area left to heal. It may be that a sinus lift or bone graft is necessary before an implant can be placed again.

Failure of the implant

Failure of the implant can be down to several reasons. Sometimes it’s because sub standard implants have been used by dentists trying to cut costs to compete with other dental clinics. Because they don’t have a precise fit there’s a risk of bacteria entering any gaps surrounding the fixture and causing infection. Another cause of implant failure could be if a person suffers an accidental blow to the jaw or if they consistently grind their teeth at night. Excess force or pressure can cause the implants to crack or become loose and you’ll need to consult your dentist right away. Finally, implant failure may occur because the surrounding bone doesn’t fuse with the titanium implant post. This is more likely to happen to smokers and diabetics.

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then take care to choose an experienced dentist with a good track record of placing dental implants. Here at Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi is highly experienced and knowledgeable in dental implants and has a diploma in implantology awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, so you couldn’t be in better hands. Why not take advantage of our free consultation where you can get all of your questions and concerns answered before deciding whether to go ahead. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.We look forward to meeting you.