3 Great Uses For Dental Implants

If you’ve ever considered undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond then you’ll probably already know that implants are one of the best and most permanent forms of missing teeth replacement. However aside from replacing teeth on a one for one basis, modern day implants carry with them a whole host of other alternative uses. As such they can open up a plethora of options for patients suffering from multiple missing teeth. Let’s take a closer look.


dental implants in RichmondOne of the advantages of a dental implant type bridge is that it’s completely self supporting. When implants are secured down into the jawbone over time they become an incredibly strong platform. This means that they’re able to support a whole host of prosthetics including a bridge. Before implants, it was the job of the surrounding teeth to support the framework for the bridge. In order to do this the (otherwise healthy) adjacent teeth would need to be ground down and reshaped to fit the framework correctly. This put them at risk from decay. Nowadays implants can be used to support bridges that span the gap of one, two, or more teeth.

Fixed dentures

Just as a single implant can support a bridge spanning one or two teeth, a series of strategically placed implants has the ability to support a whole framework or rows of teeth. Considerably more cost effective than fitting individual implants to every tooth gap, between 4-6 implants are sufficient to support entire rows of upper or lower teeth. The advantages of implant fixed dentures over standard dentures are many. Firstly, they’re permanent which means they never need replacing and won’t become loose. Secondly they have the ability to halt bone atrophy which occurs continuously after teeth loss. This means that the implant wearer will look and feel younger and finally, because they’re fully secured at all times, the wearer can eat what they like, giving them the chance to adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

Removable (over) dentures

Finally aside from permanently fixed teeth, implants also provide the framework for removable dentures that can be snapped or clipped into place. Once there, they’re as strong as fixed dentures meaning that you have all the benefits that the fixed variety bring. However the difference is that they can easily be removed for cleaning.

As you can see, there are much more to dental implants in Richmond than meets the eye. If you’d like to know more, then visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you can find a whole host of information. Alternatively, why not book yourself a free, no-obligation appointment with us here at Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 where you can discuss your options first hand.