3 Important Points To Think About When Considering Dental Implants In Richmond

More and more people are considering dental implants as a sound way of replacing their missing teeth and as such, they’re very much in demand. Over the past decade or so the number of clinics placing implants has quadrupled and now finding a surgeon who places dental implants in Richmond is just as easy as finding a dental clinic fitting implants in say Manchester ordental implants in Richmond Birmingham. That said, before you jump in with both feet there are some very important points that you might want to consider. Let’s take as look.


Initially when you compare the cost of dental implants to other forms of missing teeth replacement they are expensive. Sometimes as much as 2 or 3 times that of standard dentures or bridge work, depending upon where you go. That said, implants have a lot of advantages, the main one being longevity. Provided that dental implants are placed correctly by a competent dentist and taken care of using a combination of regular and thorough brushing/flossing and regular check-ups, then they can have a shelf life 3 or 4 times that of standard dentures. Also with dental implants, aside from the initial outlay, that’s all you’ll pay (apart from the odd check-up of course). Conversely, when you have a set of dentures made, they might initially be cheaper but you’ll still have to supplement this cost with sterilising tablets, and fixatives on a regular basis. Plus of course there’s the cost of having new dentures made every 7-10 years.

Experience of the dentist

When considering dental implants in Richmond, you might want to think about the experience the dentist has in this area. If for instance you only need a single implant replacement then you might prefer to go a general dentist who has had some degree of implant training. However if you need multiple implants or bone grafts etc, then you might be better going to an experienced implant dentist who specialises in this field. It might cost more, but you get peace-of-mind dentistry.

Do you want a quick fix solution?

Finally if you’re after a quick fix solution to your missing tooth or teeth then dental implants are probably not for you. For implants to work they rely on a process known as osseointegration. This is where the body’s bone tissue fuses naturally with the implant over time to make a strong bond. Once this happens the implant is perfect for supporting a crown, a bridge, or even dentures. Unfortunately this process doesn’t happen overnight and can take 3-4 months depending upon the healing abilities of the individual. The result is that under normal circumstances dental implant placement happens in stages that can take anything up to 9 months to complete. That said, once complete they’re considered to be the most natural looking and advanced form of teeth replacement that modern dentistry allows.

If you’re seriously considering dental implants in Richmond then we invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation with us. Here you can get your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision. To book yours, either visit our website at www.sheendentalimpants.co.uk or phone us on 020 8876 5277.