3 Reasons Why A Dental Implant Might Not Be As Straight Forward As You Think

If you’re considering undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond you’ll need to know that it might not be as straight forward as you think. Conversely there are a number of factors, which can make the overall treatment more complex. That isn’t to say that surgical complexity alone has an effect on the overall success rates of dental implants it’s just that it might take more time to get it right. Let’s take a closer look at some of those factors.

Bone degeneration

dental implants in RichmondFirstly anyone who is either a long-term denture wearer or has suffered missing teeth for any length of time will have suffered bone degeneration. Unfortunately bone atrophy as it’s known occurs naturally after tooth loss and sadly even wearing dentures can’t halt the process. This is why as the shape of your jaw alters, dentures have to be continually adjusted and eventually replaced to ensure a continual snug fit. For those seeking dental implants, sufficient healthy bone is needed so that the implants can be securely anchored down into the jaw. When there isn’t sufficient bone then a bone graft will have to be performed first in order to build up the healthy bone, before implants can be fitted. In terms of time this can add another 3 months to the overall treatment.

Sinus lifts

Anyone who has experienced missing upper teeth might well have to undergo a sinus lift prior to implant placement. The reason for this is that in a mouth with no missing teeth the sinal cavity remains housed in the space above the bone. When teeth are lost and the bone tissue starts to degenerate the sinus bone naturally expands to fill the gap. This in turn makes the area too small for adequate implant depth. For this reason a sinus lift operation might be needed along with a bone graft to ensure the sinal cavity is safe when securing a dental implant. Just like bone grafting it’s a common and safe procedure, but it does mean added time to your overall implant process.

A non-healthy mouth

You might be surprised to learn that when it comes to successfully fitting dental implants in Richmond, they need to be fitted into a healthy mouth. By healthy we mean free from gum problems and bacteria. Even though dental implants are super-strong allowing the user to eat normally once again, they can come under attack from bacteria, causing the area around the implants to weaken. If not identified and dealt with it can lead to peri-implantitis. When this happens the implant is rendered useless and may even fall out. Therefore anyone who has gum problems such as gingivitis or the advanced stages of gum disease needs to have this problem dealt with first, otherwise there’s a far more significant chance of implant failure.

All of that said, implants are still the most effective and long-lasting treatment for missing teeth and anyone considering them as an option will undergo a thorough examination prior to surgery. From this individual treatment plans are put into place detailing any issues, the treatment needed, and most importantly the time scale for that treatment. This way you’ll have a thorough understanding of what’s expected from the initial meeting right through to final fitting.

To discover more about dental implants in Richmond then visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Alternatively why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision. Contact us on 020 8876 5277 to find out more.