3 Ways That Dental Implants Can Improve Your Overall Well-being

Here at Sheen Dental many people are surprised after undergoing surgery for dental implants in Richmond at just how much better they feel. We’re not just talking dentally either but their overall well-being.

Bodily Health

dental implants in RichmondIf you’re considering implants as a form of missing tooth replacement then chances are you’ll already know that they’re considered to be the most advanced form of denture that modern dentistry allows. They don’t rely on fixatives and other teeth to keep them in place and as they are fixed directly into the jaw bone, they’re particularly lifelike and incredibly strong too. Ultimately this means that implant wearers don’t have to worry about what they eat and as such they can choose a healthy diet that gives them all the nutrition they need without having to worry about whether their dentures are going to come loose or not.

For many standard denture wearers sadly the opposite is true and more often than not they lack the nutrients that many food stuffs can give them.


Improved looks

Physically speaking when dental implants are fitted they have the ability to halt facial bone loss which occurs when teeth go missing. This is something that standard dentures and bridges fail to do. As such many denture wearers often appear to have ‘pinched in’ features which makes them appear older than their years. As dental implants are secured directly into the bone itself, the remaining natural bone tissue begins to regenerate around the implant giving the appearance of a fuller face and a more youthful look.

Boosts confidence and self-esteem

Finally from a psychological perspective many people with missing teeth are self-conscious about their features and as such will cover their face with a hand when they’re speaking. In extreme cases they’ll even withdraw from social situations altogether becoming isolated. This can lead to a low-self esteem and even a sense of worthlessness. Many denture wearers don’t fair much better as there is always the lingering threat of embarrassment in the back of the mind. For example, “what if my dentures become loose as I eat, or speak?” This again might cause people to become more isolated than they normally would. Alternatively dental implants eliminate all of these problems. Not only can they give you a great smile, they look, feel and act just as your normal teeth. Many implant wearers tell us that they have far greater confidence than they ever did before and are able to live life to the full once more.

If you want to find out more about how a dental implant in Richmond can help you then check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk . Here you’ll find a wealth of information on the subject. Alternatively, why not contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team.