3 Ways That Your Smile Can Be Restored With The Help Of Dental Implants

If you’ve experienced dental problems that have led to losing one or more teeth then getting your smile restored is a top priority. We live in a very image driven world where often a person is judged on their appearance, and this includes their smile. Missing teeth look unsightly and can lower a person’s self esteem and confidence. It can even impact on their job and social life. If you’ve been discussing tooth replacement options with your dentist then he may have mentioned dental implants. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we regularly place implants in the mouths of our patients and it’s fair to say they can transform lives. Let’s take a look at 3 ways in which dental implants in help restore your smile:

Single tooth replacement

dental implants in RichmondFor decades, dentists have been using dental implants to replace a single missing tooth. An implant is the closest thing to natural teeth since they replace all elements of a natural tooth including the root and crown. Made from titanium then implant is inserted into the jaw bone during oral surgery and left to fuse naturally with the surrounding bone. This creates a stable foundation to support the implant and on which a prosthetic tooth can be placed. It looks, feels and functions just as a natural tooth and if cared for has the potential to last for a lifetime.

Implant based restoration for several missing teeth

If you’re missing several teeth in a row then apart from the cost, it isn’t a practical option to replace each missing tooth with a dental implant. Instead it may be suggested that the surgeon uses just one implant to support a permanent bridge containing two teeth or perhaps if the gap is larger, then two implants which can support a bridge loaded with 3 prosthetic teeth. Similar to a single tooth implant, an implant supported bridge promotes healthy bone, strength, and density and is a more permanent solution than a traditional bridge.

Total tooth loss

If you’ve lost all of your teeth in either one or both jaws then a cost effective solution is implant retained dentures. Four to six implant can be used to secure a permanent denture in place which, unlike a conventional denture doesn’t have to be removed at night for cleaning. These dentures offer increased stability and feel more like your natural teeth than a traditional denture can ever do. In addition, the implants prevent any further bone loss from occurring which is one of the reasons traditional dentures start to become loose and move around in the mouth.

So if you’re looking at tooth replacement options then a dental implant in Richmond could be the solution for you. Why not come and speak with us at a complimentary consultation. We can answer all your questions and discuss your dental options. Give us a call today on 020 8876 5277 to book your appointment or check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for more information.