4 Important Factors A Dentist Needs To Take Into Consideration Before Placing Dental Implants

Although dental implants are now widely available in the UK there are a number of factors that a dentist will have to consider before deciding whether or not they can go ahead with the placement. This is the same whether opting to undergo surgery for a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country. The reason is that if certain factors aren’t considered it might have an impact on the outcome of the implant or worse still, have a direct impact on the patient. Let’s take a look at some of those factors.

Any prescriptions that might influence treatment.

dental implants in RichmondBecause of the biological factors that play a large part in the success or failure of dental implants (namely bone fusion) there are certain medications that might impinge on the body’s natural ability to regenerate bone. These can include inhibitor drugs such as steroids and certain non steroidal anti-inflammatory pain killers.

Overall general health

Although the implantation process is safe, it does require a surgical process and like all surgery, there’s always an element of risk involved. Therefore for those potential patients with heart conditions, or high blood pressure and those who are allergic to certain antibiotics which might need to be prescribed, these factors could influence the decision to proceed. In addition other existing conditions such as osteoporosis, certain cancers and those who are undergoing (or have previously undergone) radiotherapy might also influence the decision to proceed.

The ability to pay

Dental implants aren’t carried out on the NHS, except in extreme circumstances, so this means that if you want to have them it’s going to involve quite a considerable outlay. This is irrespective of whether you opt for dental implants in Richmond or anywhere else in the country. To counter this, many dental practices offer a variety of payment options in which the costs can be spread over an agreed period of time. Nevertheless a patient’s ability to pay for treatment is always going to be an influencing factor.

Personal motivation

Dental implants aren’t a quick-fix solution to teeth replacement and instead they take both commitment and dedication by the patient. Not only does the recipient need to be motivated enough to undertake a series of relatively arduous treatments and to attend ongoing dental check-ups over a period of months, they also need to be able to commit to maintaining their implants indefinitely.

If you want to find out more about other factors that influence a dentist’s decision on whether or not you’re eligible for dental implants in Richmond, then speak to Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. Contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk to book yourself a free no-obligation consultation.