4 Reasons To Consider Dental Implants

If you’re missing a tooth or facing extraction, then you’re most likely wondering what is the best form of tooth replacement. We have no hesitation in saying without doubt that it is a dental implant in Richmond. An implant is the most advanced form of tooth replacement which replaces the entire structure of the natural tooth. Not only does it feel just like you’ve got your missing tooth back, but it looks and acts in almost the same way too.

dental-implantsHere are 4 reasons why you really should consider dental implants

  1. Stops your teeth from shifting – When you lose a tooth the remaining teeth begin to drift towards the empty space and this can cause all sorts of dental problems. Teeth which are crowded or misaligned are more difficult to clean and can cost you a lot of money in orthodontic care. Placing a dental implant right away means all of your teeth remain properly positioned and easy to clean.
  2. Preserves your jawbone – If you choose to have your tooth replaced with a fixed bridge then after a time your jawbone will start to deteriorate beneath the missing tooth. This happens because of lack of stimulation to the bone when the tooth root is missing. The same thing also occurs in denture wearers. The longer a person delays getting a dental implant then the more likely they are to lose a lot of bone and as a result they may require a bone graft prior to the dental implant procedure. This all adds time and additional cost to the treatment.
  3. Implant retained dentures – Many denture wearers complain of a variety of problems with their dentures, such as a poor fit, sore mouth, sunken face, and food restrictions. We can use dental implants to secure your dentures in place and put an end to all of these complications. There are various techniques available and some only require as few as 4 dental implants.
  4. Keeps you looking younger – When your jawbone starts to deteriorate because of missing teeth it can cause your cheeks to sink in making you look far older than you really are. Dental implants provide the much needed stimulation that the jaw bone requires and helps to produce dense, healthy jawbone material which will make your face appear more rounded and youthful in appearance.

Implant dentistry is aided today with digital imaging equipment which means we can actually show you just what your treatment results will look like before your treatment even starts. Whether you want to to replace one tooth, several teeth, or are looking for a more comfortable solution to your dentures, then come and speak with Sheen Dental to find out just how dental implants in Richmond can help your individual case. Give us a call today on 020 8876 5277 to book your free implant consultation or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.