4 Surprising Reasons Why You Really Need Brush Your Teeth

Aside from alienating you from your friends and loved ones, failing to brush your teeth can land you with a whole lot more than a couple of dental implants in Richmond. Instead, failing to brush your pearly whites correctly can increase the chances of a whole host of other issues such as bronchitis, strokes, diabetes, and even heart disease. So how is this possible? Because your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria which can potentially make their way into your blood stream. If that’s not bad enough, here are 4 other reasons why you really need to brush your teeth.

Saving lives

dental implants in RichmondIt’s well documented that if you don’t brush your teeth correctly you could loose your teeth, but did you know that brushing twice a day can potentially save your life? If you suffer from severe gingivitis then in some cases your mouth can become so over-run with bacteria that it spreads to your jaw bone, cheeks, and even your lips. This is commonly known as ‘Trench Mouth’ where it was coined during the first world war when it affected thousands of soldiers fighting in the trenches. However that’s not all. Eventually the over-run bacteria will start to make its way into the blood stream which will almost certainly pass directly through your heart causing major problems. In the same way that bacteria will pass through your heart it can also travel upwards and affect the brain causing other issues such as strokes and dementia all of which can drastically shorten your life expectancy.


Scientists have recently discovered a strong link between gum disease and diabetes. Evidently those same bacteria can also decrease the effectiveness of insulin in the bloodstream. If not controlled it can lead to type II diabetes.


Did you know that people who suffer from gum disease are 8 times more likely to suffer from arthritis? According to research, bacteria in the gums produces proteins which in turn causes your immune system to react in a way that can bring about joint problems.

Delayed conception/low birth weight

For expectant mothers it’s doubly important that they prevent bacteria from entering their bloodstream as it has been linked with issues such as delayed conception. If this isn’t bad enough, there’s also a strong chance that many babies are born with a very low birth weight, which in itself can be fraught with hazards.

As you can see, failure to brush your teeth really isn’t as simple as causing the odd cavity or needing a dental implant in Richmond. Instead it can cause a whole host of unwanted conditions or problems. For this reason it pays to not only make sure you do it, but to seek out a skilled dentist who can make sure that your mouth remains in tip top condition.

Here at Sheen Dental, we’ve been successfully helping patients with all aspects of dentistry, so if you’re suffering from dental issues it’s never to late to seek help. Why not contact us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk and book yourself a consultation. Our friendly team are on hand to offer expert advice and treatments, so go on, what are you waiting for?