4 Tips To Help Avoid Infection Following Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants in Richmond are a popular method of restoring badly decayed or missing teeth since the implant is as natural looking and stable as a real tooth would be, and functions in the same way. Successful implant surgery is as reliant on after care as it is the surgery itself, so here at Sheen Dental we ensure that implant patients are equipped with all the tools and knowledge they need to avoid infection so that their implants can reach their full potential.

Ways to avoid infection following dental implant surgery:

dental implants in RichmondAs is the case with any type of surgery, infection during the post surgery healing process poses the most serious risk. There are several ways in which the implant patient can help to promote a healthy healing environment and prevent infection from occurring.

Take your medicine properly

Sometimes your oral surgeon or dentist may prescribe a course of antibiotics to help prevent infection following surgery. If this is the case then it’s important to take the whole course in accordance with the instructions that have been given to you. Failure to finish the course of antibiotics can increase the chances of infection and possibly impact on the entire treatment, rendering it ineffective.

Maintain tip top oral hygiene

When it comes to keeping infections at bay, cleanliness is your best weapon. It’s important to keep the implant site as clean as possible and free of bacteria. You may be prescribed a mild mouthwash which won’t make your mouth overly dry (which can promote infection) or your dentist may suggest rinsing your mouth with a mixture of warm water and salt.

Watch what you eat

Returning right away to your usual diet is a recipe for disaster as it can re-open surgical wounds and leave them susceptible to infection. Most dentists will recommend a diet of liquids and soft foods for several days after surgery. However it’s wise to avoid particularly hard foods like nuts until an even later date.

Stop smoking

Any dentist will strongly urge an implant patient to refrain from smoking or using any type of tobacco produce during the healing period. Chemicals and smoke can cause irritation to the gums which can lead to infection. Furthermore smoking is known to deprive the implant site and the blood stream from much needed oxygen which slows down the healing process and prolongs the likelihood of infection. If you’re a regular smoker then you may find wearing a nicotine patch will help you quit or cut down significantly.

If you’ve lost a tooth then a dental implant in Richmond to replace it could be the best decision you ever make and, if cared for properly, the implant has the potential to last for many years. We offer a free dental implant consultation where we can explain the procedure in detail and answer your questions. So why not give us a call on 020 8876 5277 to book your appointment or check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for more information.