5 Advantages Of Dental Implants Over Other Forms Of Teeth Replacement?

You don’t have to look far to see people talking about dental implants. In Richmond for example, you only have to open the local paper or switch on the radio and it won’t be long before you see or hear someone extolling their virtues. The truth is that they’re right to do so because they have many advantages over other forms of missing teeth replacement, With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of them.

They’re permanent

dental implants in RichmondUnlike any other form of tooth replacement such as bridges or dentures, dental implants are permanently fixed. Because they’re anchored directly into the jaw bone they remain in place 24/7 365 days a year. In fact they look, feel, and, to a certain extent, act just like your normal teeth. This means they don’t need replacing or removing for cleaning or sleeping.

They’re hassle-free

You mightn’t feel that undergoing a surgical procedure to fit dental implants is particularly ‘hassle-free’ but in truth the procedure itself is painless. In fact most people say that it’s no worse than having a tooth filled. Instead the hassle-free part comes in the months and years after the implant has been placed. As they’re permanently fixed into place, there’s no relying on fixatives or glues to keep them stable. There’s also no need for continual adjustments as you would with a standard set of dentures, and when it comes to eating, the strength of the titanium implant gives you the ability to eat what you like without having to worry.

They’re long-lasting

There’s no getting away from the fact that the average shelf life of a set of dentures is somewhere between 7-10 years. This is because as bone loss changes the shape of your face, once ‘snug fitting’ dentures become loose. Once they can no longer be adjusted they’re in effect rendered useless and a new set is needed. Conversely dental implants are anchored directly into the jaw bone and therefore there’s no need to worry about changing shape of the jaw. For this reason, and provided they’re looked after, they have been proven to last forty years or more.

A healthier you

You might not think that undergoing dental implants in Richmond can have a profound effect on your overall health and well-being but they can. In essence, unlike dentures, implants give you the ability to be able eat anything you choose. This means that you can adopt a healthy-eating plan if you so wish giving you more scope to feel better overall. In addition being able to smile naturally once again can give you a real confidence boost that otherwise might have been lost.

They’re a cost-effective solution to missing teeth

Okay so initially dental implants might seem expensive, however when you take in the fact that they can last four-five times as long as dentures you really could be saving yourself some money in the long-term.

For further information on how dental implants in Richmond can change your life then you should speak to Sheen Dental. Our experienced team have been fitting implants for many years and have seen first hand just how they can transform a person’s life. Visit our website at www.sheendentalimplamts.co.uk or contact us on 020 8876 5277 to make a booking for a consultation. It’s free and there’s no-obligation, so what have you got to lose?