5 Common misconceptions About Dental Implants

It’s only to be expected that anyone looking to have a dental implant in Richmond would feel a little anxious and apprehensive about the procedure, and this is due to a number of implant misconceptions that surround this relatively new treatment. With this in mind we thought we’d write this blog to highlight some of the misconceptions, so patients are fully informed on the process.

dental-implants-richmondI’m in my 70’s therefore I’m way too old to have an implant

As far as dental implants go, there is no upper age limit. Not everyone is a suitable candidate for implants but usually they are declined for health reasons rather than age. In fact it’s our elderly patients who benefit most from dental implants in Richmond, with the majority of them saying that they have changed their quality of life for the better.

Dental implant surgery is painful

Implant surgery can be relatively quick depending on the complexity of the surgery and patients should feel absolutely no pain whatsoever. In fact most patients say that having a tooth extracted was worse then implant surgery. Conscious sedation techniques also mean that a patient can be put into a relaxed dream like state and have no recollection whatsoever of the surgery.

Recovery takes a long time

Most patients will feel a little pain when the anaesthetic wears off, and there may be some bruising and swelling. However over the counter painkillers should relieve any pain and most people who’ve only had 1 or 2 implants usually feel back to normal within a couple of days.

I’m a smoker so I can’t have implants

While smoking is a risk to dental implants because it delays the healing period, that’s not to say that all smokers will be declined the treatment. Instead, if they can stop smoking for a period before and after the implant procedure, then implants could be possible. Everyone is different, and each case is judged on its merit.

Dental implants last a lifetime

This is one misconception that you’ve probably read the most. It’s extremely difficult to say just how long your dental implants will last as there are several things that could impact on them. However we do know that the very first implants which were fitted to a Swedish man back in 1965, were still going strong when he died some 41 years later!

If you’re missing a tooth or are fed up with wearing dentures, then why not book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental to see how they could benefit you. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to meeting you.