5 Factors Dentists Have To Take Into Account Before Giving A Patient Dental Implant Treatment

There are many considerations that potential patients need to think about before deciding on whether or not they should opt for dental implants in Richmond. Likewise there are also important factors that dentists also need to take into account to help them decide whether or not a particular patient would be a good fit for implant treatment. These include:

Overall healthdental implants in Richmond

You might be asking what a patient’s overall health has to do with fitting a dental implant? The fact is that if a patient suffers from pre-existing health conditions such as high blood pressure or poorly controlled diabetes these conditions will have a distinct bearing on the success or failure of the implant process. Secondly the dentist might have to administer some form of antibiotic cover during the process and this may have an affect on any existing conditions, or even clash with prescription pills they’re already taking.

Paying for the treatment

There’s no getting away from the fact that dental implants don’t come cheap. Therefore any potential patient needs to have the means and/or the willingness to pay for the treatment. The good news is that most dental clinics offer various methods of payment where costs can be spread across a period of time. However the initial costs will still have to be met.

Good motivation

Anyone who has undergone a dental implant in Richmond will know that it isn’t a quick fix solution. Instead a patient needs to undergo a series of treatments including oral surgery over a number of months. Therefore the motivation and ability of the patient to be able to endure varying degrees of treatment is important.

Commitment to long term care

Dental implants aren’t a fit and forget treatment. Instead they need ongoing care and attention, not just by the dental team, but by the individual as well. Regular and thorough brushing and flossing is key, not just for the first few months but for the entire life of the implant. This could easily be thirty years or more. As a result any dentist needs to assess whether or not the patient is fully committed to long term care of their implant based restoration.

The health of a patient’s mouth

A successful dental implant is highly dependent on the healthy state of a person’s mouth. An 18 year old for example who has suffered tooth loss through an accident or sporting injury but has an otherwise healthy mouth should be assured of the right results (if in the right hands). Conversely a middle aged man or woman who smokes, or is casual about their oral hygiene, or has some form of gum disease might be far less guaranteed of a successful outcome. Again this is something that an experienced implant dentist will look at in great detail before deciding whether or not to go ahead with the treatment.

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond as a form of tooth replacement and would like to find out more about eligibility, then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. To make a booking either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk of contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to welcoming you.