5 Great Reasons Why You Might Want To Consider Dental Implants

If you suffer from missing teeth and are contemplating the route you should go down then how about dental implants. In Richmond for example here at Sheen Dental we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the number of people opting for implants over other forms of teeth replacement and statistics show that this is being mirrored throughout the country. Why? Because payment plans and zero percent interest options that many dental practices now offer make a previously unaffordable form of treatment a realistic option.

If you’re still not convinced then here are 5 more reasons why dental implants should be considered.

They’re permanent

dental implants in RichmondUnlike standard dentures which have to be adjusted and eventually replaced, dental implants remain in your mouth for the duration. In other words, as they’re attached directly into the jaw bone they don’t need to be removed for sleeping and cleaning purposes and are therefore a permanent and hassle-free option.


They’re lifelike

The one thing that most dental implant patients almost always comment on is the natural look of their new teeth. The dental implant team go to great lengths matching your new crowns with your existing teeth and the end result is a set of teeth that look both natural and life-like. In fact unless you’re a trained dentist, it’s extremely hard for any ley person to tell the difference.

Youthful looks

One of the best considerations that sway people towards undergoing surgery for a dental implant in Richmond is that it’s the only form of tooth replacement that can actually halt the bone loss process. Bone loss is a natural event that occurs after a tooth or teeth are missing and can eventually change the shape of your jaw. Because implants are attached directly into the jaw bone itself, they have the ability to re-stimulate the surrounding bone tissue that once supported the natural tooth root. The end result can be a fuller looking face giving you a more youthful appearance.

More than just a safe option,

Implants have come on in leaps and bounds since they were first fitted to a Swedish patient back in 1965. So much so in fact that the British Dental Association (BDA) not only state that implants are safe, but they’re also a sound option too.

Bring back confidence

Despite having solved a missing teeth problem with dentures, many denture wearers tend to shy away from social activity and engagements because they feel either self conscious about their dentures or are worried about being embarrassed in case their dentures slip while chatting or eating. Because dental implants are permanently attached using a super strong titanium platform there’s zero chance of them slipping or falling out. In fact people who have implants fitted tend to want to show them off and are often more outgoing because of it.

So there you have it, 5 great reasons why you should seriously consider dental implants! In Richmond at Sheen Dental, we offer all our patients a chance to come and have a free, no obligation consultation where they can come and get their queries and concerns answered. Why not call us on 020 8876 5277 to book yours today. Alternatively, visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you can find a wealth of information in order to help you make a fully informed, dental decision.