5 Top Tips To Help You Avoid Tooth Loss

If you do suffer from missing or broken teeth, there are a variety of ways that your dentist can treat it from crowns and bridges, through to dentures and even dental implants. In Richmond, it’s good to know that a long-serving dental practice such as Sheen Dental has highly experienced and well-trained dentists who can deal with such problems. That said, most dentists would rather help to keep teeth healthy in the first place and the truth is that most tooth loss problems can be prevented.

With this in mind here are 5 top tips that can help you avoid tooth loss.

Protect yourself from gum problems

dental implants in RichmondDid you know that gum disease is the leading cause that contributes to tooth loss in the UK? Aside from twice-daily brushing, flossing and regular check-ups, there are also a number of known factors that play a big part in gum disease and these are

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Poor diet

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and eating correctly, it’s been proven to prolong the life of your teeth.

Cutting down on your sugar intake

We’re probably all too aware of how much damage excess sugar in our diet can do to our teeth and it’s true! High levels of sugar promote bad bacteria which in turn will attack healthy teeth. By cutting down on our sugary intake, we lessen the chance of suffering from tooth decay.

Protect your teeth

We only get one adult set of teeth, so they have to be worth protecting, particularly when participating in contact sports such as rugby or boxing. According to the British Dental Association Tooth loss through trauma, particularly in contact sports is on the rise. As a result gum shields offer a good degree of protection so it might be well worth investing in a good one.

Watch out for teeth grinding

Bruxism or nocturnal teeth grinding is said to be on the rise. Often brought on by stress, anxiety, jaw problems, or even deep psychological issues, it’s a major cause of tooth problems. Symptoms include

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Headaches
  • Jaw ache or pain
  • Neck ache
  • Sleep problems

Regular check-ups can spot the signs of teeth grinding early on, so if you have any of the above symptoms, then don’t be afraid to mention it to your dentist right away.

Chew gum or rinse after meals

Many food stuffs contain even natural sugars that can turn into plaque if left. Why not take water with a meal or chew sugar free gum? Gum stimulates saliva which has the ability to wash away any bacteria and can also neutralise acid.

So there you have it 5 great tips for protecting your teeth!

If you are a long-term denture wearer or have recently suffered tooth loss and would like to know more about how dental implants in Richmond can help you then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Why not book yourself a free, no obligation consultation today and get all your questions and concerns answered so that you can make a fully informed dental decision.