6 Things To Take Note Of When Preparing For Dental Implant Surgery

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then we always insist on an initial consultation first. This is a relaxed and informal meeting that is totally free and doesn’t commit you to anything. It gives us a chance to discuss the procedure, introduce you to the team, give you a tour of our facilities, and of course answer any questions and address any concerns or fears that you may have.

dental implants in RichmondOur implant patients are given as much information as possible to ensure that they know just what the dental implant surgery involves and what to expect following surgery during the healing process and going forwards. However, one question which we often get asked is how do they need to prepare for surgery.

Well the good news is that the surgery itself doesn’t take too long, depending on its complexity and much as with any type of surgery, there are just a few things to know. We’ve drawn up a check-list which is detailed below:

  • Remove any dentures, contact lenses and jewellery

This includes facial, tongue and ear jewellery. Partial and complete dentures should be   removed and it’s important to remove all traces of make-up too.

  • Let us know if you’re sick

If you’re feeling sick, please let us know. If you have a cold or fever and are feeling generally unwell then you shouldn’t undergo surgery.

  • Tell us about your medication

Check with Dr. Harmit Kalsi about any medications that you’re currently taking. If you routinely take any oral medication then please inform us before the date of your surgery. You should also check with your GP too.

  • Don’t eat or drink beforehand

If you’re having IV sedation or any other form of conscious sedation then do not eat or drink (even water) for six hours beforehand.

  • Bring a friend or family member

If you’re having IV sedation, then you must be accompanied to the clinic and that person should wait during surgery and drive you home.

  • Don’t drive yourself

IV sedation takes a few hours to completely leave your system and you’ll be feeling drowsy. For this reason you can’t drive yourself home nor can you operate machinery for the next 24 hours. You should also have someone indoors with you until you are fully awake and feeling your normal self once more.

We want our patients to be well informed and comfortable with the entire procedure from start to finish. If you have any further questions then about dental implants in Richmond then just give us a call on 020 8876 5277 and our friendly staff will be able to help. Or take a look at our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/ which has plenty of information to read.