So What’s The Best Way To Brush Your Teeth?

As an implant dentist placing dental implants in Richmond I can’t stress highly enough the importance of keeping your teeth clean. Good oral hygiene prevents the build-up of plaque which can be problematic towards both natural teeth and implants alike. The good news is that over the years, a large range of oral health products have come into being to help us better protect our mouths. However they only really work if we’re able to use them correctly. With this in mind, can you remember the last time someone told you how to brush your teeth properly? One of the best ways to make sure your teeth (and/or dental implants) stay in top condition is to use the ‘Bass method’.

So what is it and how does it work?

dental implants in RichmondOriginally developed by Dr Charles C Bass, the Bass method is a way of brushing that keeps the area where the gum meets the tooth free from plaque. The reason that this area is so important to keep clean is because this is where plaque collects. Plaque is a sticky film that is present when we eat most foods. If not regularly removed it harbours bacteria and eventually turns into tartar which can’t be removed by normal brushing alone. As it collects at the base of the tooth it attacks the gum, causing decay, gum disease and eventually tooth loss.

By placing your brush at a 45 degree angle with the bristles facing downwards towards the gum and using short gentle strokes the bristles penetrate gently into the gum removing bacteria. It’s important to use a softer toothbrush when doing this as a harder brush is likely to damage the gums causing them to bleed. This action should be completed for all teeth both upper and lower and should last for around two-three minutes.

So how often do you need to do this?

Brushing should be carried out at least twice a day but no more than three times. Too much brushing, however soft the brush, is likely to damage the gums.

The bottom line is that just like your natural teeth, dental implants in Richmond require a life-long commitment to keep them healthy and at their best. Partly this is down to the dentist, but in the main it’s down to the individual. After all, dental implants don’t come cheap and it would be a real shame to see them fail simply because good standards of oral hygiene weren’t being maintained. For this reason a combination of proper brushing and flossing coupled with regular dental visits is key to protecting your investment and indeed, your smile.

To find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can help you then visit our website at Alternatively why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation on 020 8876 5277 and speak to Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team By doing so you’ll get all of your questions answered, giving you the information you need in order to make a fully informed decision about your dental future.