Why Choose Dental Implants?

Even though here at Sheen Dental we’ve been placing dental implants in Richmond with great success for many years, we still get patients who are sceptical about them. Many prefer to stick with what they know and are more likely to consider standard dentures and bridges over dental implants, and then there’s also the cost to take into account. Initially dental implants are expensive and for some people this is enough to discount them completely. Despite this, with 10,000 or more implant procedures carried out in the UK alone last year more and more people are opting for dental implants, but why?

Bringing back your smile

dental implants in RichmondFor anyone who has lost multiple teeth they know that it can be a pretty miserable experience. Not being able eat the foods that you once enjoyed, feelings of embarrassment when you smile or talk, and a distinct lack in self-confidence are just ‘par for the course’ when you experience missing teeth. While it’s true that dentures or bridges will help to some extent, implants are by far the more natural looking form of teeth replacement. In the main the non-dentist would never know you’re fitted with implants as you can go about your life as normal. Your smile returns and along with this, a boost of much needed self-confidence.

They’re hassle-free

At first you’d probably think that a dental implant in Richmond would be the form of tooth replacement that involves the most hassle. After all it requires a surgical process plus 3-6 months of recovery time. When you compare it to the non-surgical fitting of a bridge or denture, it’s understandable that you may feel that it’s a bit of a no-brainer. However the truth is that once implants are fitted and in place, they feel, look, and even act just like your normal teeth and there’s no need to remove them for cleaning. As they’re secured directly into the jaw bone they don’t need fixatives or glues to hold them in place and unlike dentures, if looked after they’ll never need replacing.

They make you look and feel younger

Finally dental implants have the ability to make you look and feel younger. So how is this possible? When a patient loses one or more teeth a phenomenon known as bone atrophy occurs. Bone atrophy is where the surrounding bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated and because of this it starts to waste away. Over time it changes the shape of the jaw bone and is what gives those with tooth loss that pinched in facial appearance. Unfortunately standard dentures can’t stop this from happening and in some cases can even exacerbate the process. With dental implants, because they’re fastened into the jaw bone they have the ability to re-stimulate the surrounding bone tissue halting bone loss once and for all. What’s more a natural looking full set of teeth can bulk up the facial area making you look and feel years younger.

So there you have it. If you’ve previously dismissed dental implants in Richmond as a viable option then you might want to think again. To find out more visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 and give yourself all the information necessary to enable you to make an informed dental decision.