Five Advantages Of Dental Implants Over Other Forms Of Tooth Replacement

So you have missing teeth and need to think about your options. You could of course go down the road of fitting tried and tested dentures. After all they don’t require a surgical procedure to fit and what’s more they can be placed in as little as a day. On the other hand you might want to consider dental implants. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully placing implants into patients from all over the UK for many years and as such we know first hand the difference they can make. If you still need convincing, we’ve come up with five great advantages that dental implants have over their counterparts. Let’s take a closer look.


dental implants in RichmondEven though standard dentures have come on in leaps and bounds in recent years they’re still not as natural looking as the dental implant. The specialist team who fit dental implants go to painstaking lengths to make sure that your new teeth match your original set perfectly. This may even mean adding a few blemishes here and there and toning down the bright white colour to aid that perfect match. The end result is that you’ll have a set of teeth that to the non-professional, won’t be recognisable as implants.


You might think that having to endure a surgical procedure isn’t very convenient but in truth it’s a painless process that really is simply a means to an end. That end result is a permanent tooth or set of teeth that don’t need removing to clean and in addition, because they’re secured directly into the jaw bone they also don’t require any fixatives or glues to hold them in place. What you have is a set of permanent teeth that look, feel, and even act just like your real teeth making them a hassle-free option.

Restores both looks and confidence

Aside from aesthetics, undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond can improve both confidence and self esteem which otherwise might have been lost. Just imagine for example if you’re a long-term denture wearer or have had missing teeth for a while, you probably don’t smile as much as you used to and even withdraw from social situations because you feel somewhat embarrassed that you either have gaps in your teeth, or that your replacement teeth just might slip or fall out at any time. Now think about having a permanent set of natural-looking implants. Not only do they give you a fuller face, eradicating that sunken in look that most tooth loss sufferers experience, but being fixed and permanent, they allow you the freedom to smile, speak and eat without fear or trepidation, bringing back some much needed confidence and self-esteem.

Improved diet

Even with standard dentures fitted, you might not have total confidence in being able to eat your favourite foods and for many people limited food options are a true reality. Because dental implants are secured directly into the jaw bone they create a super strong, stand-alone platform. This gives you the opportunity to eat whatever you like without worry and the chance to make healthy diet choices if you so wish.


Finally perhaps the biggest advantage about dental implants are their longevity. Take a standard denture as an example and you can expect it to last somewhere between 7-10 years. A dental implant on the other hand has been proven to last 40 years or more with the correct care and attention.

So there you have it, 5 great advantages of dental implants! If you would like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond, then why not visit our website at where you can find a host of information. Alternatively if you’d prefer to speak to someone in person then contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your dental options on full.