3 Dental Implant Problems Explained

If you’re considering undergoing dental implants in Richmond then here at Sheen Dental you’ll be pleased to know that we have high levels of success. That said, although dental implants problems are quite rare and only affect somewhere around 5% of all patients undertaking the process, they do exist and for this reason we want people to be aware of the risks associated with it and indeed any type of surgical procedure. Some of those problems are as follows.

Rejection by the body

dental implants in RichmondThis in itself is pretty rare but happens when the body just can’t take to the implant being there. It occurs mainly during the osseointegration (bone fusion) process when the surrounding bone tissue doesn’t bond with the implant creating that super-strong base that’s needed to attach a crown, bridge or denture to. In most cases it can be down to problems such as smoking and uncontrolled diabetes which affects the body’s ability to heal. That said a thorough examination should throw up these issues before hand and an experienced implant dentist will be able to make the decision to go ahead or to deal firstly with the problems.

Bacterial issues

Although dental implants are super strong and have been proven to last for 40 years or more they can be prone to attack from bacteria, especially in the first few months after surgery. If it’s allowed to take hold, it can attack the gum line surrounding the implant thus weakening it. Eventually the implant becomes loose and falls out. Again sound oral hygiene techniques and regular visits to the dentist should halt any problems before they are bad enough to cause sufficient issues, but it’s something that you should be aware of.

Incorrect implant placement

Sometimes a dental implant might be placed at the incorrect angle. This means that the natural bite force bearing down on the implant is going to weaken it over time. This might cause cracks and fractures to the implant itself. If you seek an experienced implantologist who has correctly placed hundreds or thousands of successful implants then you can feel confident that they know what they’re doing and ultimately this problem shouldn’t occur.

As you can see, dental implant problems are very real and can occur, however all can be prevented by choosing an experienced specialist dealing in dental implants. In Richmond, we make sure all our potential patients undergo a thorough examination prior to treatment so that your implants have only the best chance of success.

To find out more, visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation on 020 8876 5277 where you can get all your questions and queries answered allowing you to make a fully-informed dental choice, before you take the plunge.