What Foods Can I Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

At Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have placed thousands of dental implants in Richmond patients and one of the most frequently asked questions, and understandably so, is “What foods can I eat after implant surgery?”
dental implants in Richmond
The good news is that prior to surgery, your dentist will put together a personalised treatment plan detailing the treatment itself, the healing time, and of course what you should be eating and when. That said,when it comes to diet, there are no hard and fast rules. Instead here are some rough guidelines that you might want to follow.

The first couple of days

The idea is to partake in any nourishing foods that can be eaten with comfort. It might be advisable (although not always necessary) to confine your first few days to liquids or puréed foods. These include healthy soups, yogurts, or milk shakes. However make sure that the food isn’t overly hot or cold and never use a straw as the sucking motion can damage the implant area.

Up to the first week

After a couple of days you might want to progress to slightly more solid foods that are easy to chew. These include pasta, fish, and rice. Just be mindful that smaller food particles such as rice can get lodged in the surgical area. Therefore it might be advisable to try and eat on the opposite side to the implant, until it’s had time to heal. Finally, it’s important to never skip meals as the body needs nourishment to aid a speedier healing process.

The first week and beyond

By now you should be introducing other foodstuffs and should be eating relatively normally. Obviously chewy or crunchy foods like tougher meats, apples, and sweets (particularly toffees) may take a little longer to get used to but in the main, lean meats such as chicken breast, softer fruits such as pears, and salad stuff such as tomatoes, avocado, and cucumber can all be eaten at this stage.

Obviously the implant healing process can’t be rushed and depending upon the degree of surgery, some people take longer to recover than others. However the important points to take from this are to try and maintain a well-balanced and nutritious diet as soon as you can because this will also speed the healing process. Secondly, never skip meals. Even if it’s a bowl of soup, try to eat something as this will help you gain strength, experience less discomfort, and heal faster.

To find out more about the type of foods you should be eating after implant surgery, or anything about the procedure itself then speak to Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. Implants in Richmond don’t get any better when you choose the experience of the Sheen Dental practice, so why not visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.