Why is Titanium Used In Dental Implants?

If you know anything at all about dental implants in Richmond then you’ll probably know that the vast majority of them are made from titanium. Although titanium as a metal is very expensive, it has many properties which make it ideal for the implant process. Let’s take a look.

It’s incredibly light, yet very strong

dental implants in RichmondHave you ever wandered why titanium is used on structures such as formula 1 racing cars, space rockets and even armour plating? The answer is because it has that perfect balance between lightness and strength. Take the dental implant for example. Hold one in your hand and it feels as light as a piece of plastic. However it’s strong enough to take the full bite force of a human being which can be anything up to 160lbs per square inch.

It’s durable

Titanium is also one of the most durable composites we have. It naturally has a high tensile strength meaning it won’t rust, it won’t crack or fracture, and it can withstand relatively high temperatures with ease.

It’s biologically compatible

One of the major bonuses about titanium is its biological compatibility factor. In other words when placed inside the human body, it won’t reject it. For this reason it’s been the metal of choice in countless hip replacement operations for many years.

Ability to osseointegrate

Perhaps the most fascinating factor about titanium is that human tissue loves it. This means that when placed or implanted inside the body our bone tissue grows around it happily to create a super-strong platform. This is exactly what happens to a dental implant. When the titanium rod is anchored into the jaw line, then during a period of 2-6 months, the surrounding bone tissue merges and fuses with it. Otherwise known as osseointegration, it’s this strengthened titanium platform that can then be used to either take a crown, or anchor a bridge or dentures to.

As you can see, titanium has many benefits and that’s why it’s so widely used in dental implants. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we use a variety of titanium based implants to best suit the needs of our patients. Why not book a free, no-obligation consultation to find out more. Either phone us directly on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk and start the ball rolling towards giving yourself a better dental future.