Is Seeking Cheaper Dental Implants Abroad Really A Good Option?

Let’s face it, everyone loves a bargain. After all it’s in our nature. For most people the buzz that they get when they know they’ve bagged themselves a good deal makes them feel great and this extends to dental implants. In Richmond for example, here at Sheen Dental we believe that we offer a fair price for what we consider to be an excellent and ongoing service by a highly experienced team. However when it comes down to price alone, then the majority of UK practices (us included) would struggle to compete with many clinics abroad and this is why so called dental tourism appears to be on the rise. Places such as Poland, Thailand, and Mexico are particularly popular as dental tourist hotspots and for those seeking dental treatment particularly implants, the lure of the low price which (by the way) often includes accommodation and travel too, really is a win/win situation. Or is it?

dental implants in RichmondLet’s just think about it for a second… When you deduct the cost of the travel and the accommodation, the actual price of the treatment itself is very small indeed. Let’s now assume you were looking for a series of quotes to build your dream kitchen and several of them were around the same ball park figure but one came in at a considerably lower amount. You’d probably be asking yourself “what’s the catch?” What’s more, you’d probably discount it.

Here’s the rub. Although there are many good dentists abroad who are very knowledgeable and experienced, would you really feel convinced that those dentists who push dental tourism with regard to dental implants are trained to the same high standards as experienced UK dentists? Of course everything might turn our perfectly well and hey presto… you can congratulate yourself on saving some serious money. However, given that there is a small risk of implant failure in any procedure anywhere in the world, what happens if it’s you? Could you afford to return to the dentist and get the problem put right? What about the language barrier? You can suddenly see how a bargain saving procedure abroad could become problematic.

On the flip-side, while undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond it’s at least in the same country, so is going to be somewhere that’s easy to get to or better still, local to you. If you choose carefully you’re guaranteed to be treated by a team of people who are not only highly experienced , but will give you the best possible care and attention. In the rare event that your implant doesn’t take, then you should have no problems going back to them and getting the problems put right and for most clinics, even the cost can be broken down into regular payments so you’re not footing the entire cost in one hit.

So to sum up, yes you can certainly save yourself some money by having dental treatment done abroad but it can be a risk and one that you should seriously consider. Conversely, undergoing dental treatment right here in the UK might cost you more but as long as you choose the right clinic the risks are negligible.

To find out more about how a dental implant in Richmond can help bring back your smile then contact Sheen Dental for a free consultation by phoning us on 020 8876 5277. Alternatively you can make a booking via our website at What better way to get some expert advice about your dental issues than to come and speak to our friendly team.