The Consequences of a Missing Back Tooth

A missing back tooth, or molar, might be a relatively non-alarming dental condition for you, but do not wait too long to get it fixed. Vacant root spaces are vulnerable to bacterial infection. The longer you wait, the longer you are exposing your entire set of teeth to health risks.

single tooth implantsReplacing a back tooth has more to do with functionality than aesthetics. Sure, having a complete set of teeth is an achievement itself. But, for your teeth to be out of danger and working properly, that is an even bigger triumph.

So, why do you need to prioritise your missing molar? If you don’t, the following could happen:

  1. Decrease Chewing Efficiency

This is the most obvious effect of having one less tooth. It is not much, but over time, this can cause stress over not being able to chew properly and having to swallow foods whole.

  1. Increased Teeth Wear

When your other teeth compensate for a missing tooth, they wear faster. Your good bones and healthy oral habits will not do much to prevent this wearing down.

  1. Distorted Teeth Shape

A missing molar is bad for aesthetics, even if you cannot see it. Over time, the vacant space will affect the shape of your remaining teeth and even your face. Teeth will shift and displace, causing it to lose function. It will not be evident at first, but you will notice it more and more in time. There is also the issue of periodontal disease for displaced teeth.

These are just some of the consequences of a missing back tooth. Others include pain in TMD joints, bite functionality and placing, and eruption of unopposed teeth. It is no less serious, and we suggest that you fix this ticking time bomb of a dental issue as soon as possible.

Single-tooth implants are possible. Contact us here and consult with our dentist about your situation.