What’s The Cost Of Replacing Missing Teeth Using Dental Implants?

If you’re searching local websites to ascertain the cost of say ‘dental implants in Richmond you’ll notice that the majority of clinics don’t openly publish their prices. This isn’t because they’ve got something to hide but because each case is different. This is why when you do see prices advertised on a dental website they’ll usually state ‘prices from’.

dental implants in RichmondSo what influences the cost?

There are various factors which can and do influence the cost of dental implant treatment, but here are a few of the most popular reasons. They include

  • The amount of treatment needed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • The type of implant used

Let’s take a look at each one in turn.

The amount and type of treatment needed

In many cases patients will require other treatments before an implant can be successfully placed and one of these is a bone graft. When teeth are missing bone tissue starts to diminish from around the missing tooth root area. This is known as bone resorption and is a natural process. The problem is that for an implant to have the best chance of success it needs to be placed into sufficient, good quality bone. If a tooth has been missing for a considerable period of time, then there’s a strong chance that the surrounding bone won’t be sufficient enough and therefore a bone graft is needed to build up the area where the bone has diminished.

Experience of the surgeon

A question you should always ask yourself before considering implants is “Who’s going to be placing them?” For simple implant cases then you might consider a general dentist who has had some degree of dental implant training. However for more complex cases such as multiple implants, bone grafts, sinus lifts etc then you might want to consider a specialist. Oral surgery specialists have years of experience in fitting more complex dental implants as well as dealing with any dental implant problems should they arise. Obviously being specialists in their field they’ll usually charge more than a generalist dentist but with this comes peace-of-mind.

Dental implant type

Did you know that there are over 150 makes and models of dental implant on the market today, many of which are less known brands hoping to establish themselves in a growing market? While dentists are free to choose whatever brands they like in order to keep costs to a minimum, the lesser established brands don’t have the back-up. In some cases a dentist will use a less-established and often cheaper brand to use on their patients. Some while after the manufacturer of the cheaper brand goes out of business. What happens now if there’s a problem with the implant? Inevitably it’s the patient who suffers. Quality implants from tried and tested companies usually cost more but with this comes an air of reassurance.

To find out more about the cost of dental implants in Richmond, then why not book yourself a free consultation with Sheen Dental. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered and of course talk prices. Book yours today either through our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or by contacting us directly on 020 8876 5277.