Fed Up With Your Dentures? Then Why Not Consider Dental Implants In Richmond?

At Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully placing dental implants in Richmond patients for numerous years and during that time have had many long term denture wearers come to us looking for an alternative.

dental implants in RichmondThe truth is that even modern day dentures aren’t much fun and while they do offer an aesthetic solution to missing teeth they can cause discomfort in some patients resulting in sensitive and sore gums. Dentures can also be unreliable at times and you just never know when they’re going to become loose, leaving wearers with the constant fear of embarrassment when socialising or eating with friends and family. What’s more, dentures need ongoing adjustment and eventually replacement as the bone density around the jaw area diminishes over time.

Conversely, dental implants have none of the problems associated with dentures and in fact have many advantages. For instance (as the name suggests) they’re implanted directly into the jaw so they remain permanently in place. This means they don’t need to be removed for cleaning and there’s no fear of them becoming loose. What’s more they’re long-lasting. If cared for properly they have been known to last 3 or 4 times that of standard dentures.

Wouldn’t it be a costly process though?

It’s true that for edentulous patients (those who are missing complete rows of teeth) replacing each gap with a dental implant isn’t particularly cost effective and would involve a lot of time in surgery. Therefore those that are missing entire rows of teeth might prefer to opt for implant supported dentures. Dental implants (usually 4 or 6) are strategically placed into the jaw and once positioned, provide a strong platform that’s sufficient enough to support an entire framework of prosthetic teeth.

The advantages are that not only are they cost effective but they hold the dentures (made individually to suit) firmly in place using a simple mechanism. This keeps them secure but also, your new dentures can easily be removed for cleaning/hygiene purposes. The locking mechanism ensures that there’s no need to worry about any potentially embarrassing moments and they don’t need continual adjustment/replacement like standard dentures do. In other words, implant retained dentures are both hassle and worry free.

If you’re a long term denture wearer and are finding your dentures increasingly frustrating then you might want to talk to us about dental implants in Richmond or implant retained dentures. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team will listen to your needs and requirements and give you the solution that’s right for you. Why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with us where you can get all your questions and concerns answered giving you the tools to make a fully informed dental decision. To book yours either contact us on 020 8876 5277 or make an appointment via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk