What Really Happens When A Tooth Is Lost

If you’re considering opting for a dental implant in Richmond after losing a tooth then time is most definitely of the essence. You see, a lost tooth isn’t simply an annoying aesthetic that appears every time you smile. Instead it can kick-off a whole cascade of events that will have an overall effect on your mouth and eventually your overall health. Let’s take a closer look.

Bone loss

dental implants in RichmondOne of the first things that happens after tooth loss is the surrounding bone tissue that once supported it is no longer needed. As it’s pretty much redundant, it starts to waste away (just like a muscle that’s no longer used). This is a process known as resorption and occurs immediately after tooth loss. Over time the bone tissue continues to waste away and as such the shape of your jaw thins significantly. Aside from altering the overall shape of your face making you appear older, it now becomes problematic for dental implants. Why? Because in order for dental implants to have the best chance of success, they need to be secured into healthy bone with plenty of bone mass. This can be overcome, but chances are that the patient will have to undergo a bone graft procedure to build the bone back up before the implant can be placed.

But that’s not all….

Crooked teeth

While resorption is taking place your other remaining teeth will start to gravitate towards the gap left by your missing tooth, causing them to become misaligned and crooked. As this happens over time it can it make it difficult for you to clean them properly as food particles can get lodged in areas where your toothbrush can’t reach. In addition, as teeth become crooked it also makes it difficult to floss. Obviously not being able to give your teeth a thorough clean can have a knock-on effect that can cause tartar build up and eventually gum disease.

Your bite

Finally as your teeth are moving, they’re no longer where they’re supposed to be. Therefore your bite positioning is often wrong. This means that the load of the bite when you chew is being unevenly spread onto one or more teeth which are now taking the full pressure of the bite force. Clearly when teeth are taking excess and sustained bite pressure, then over time it’s going to weaken them. This can make them prone to cracking or worse still, falling out altogether.

As you can see, it’s important as soon as you experience a missing tooth to get the problem dealt with. Any delay can be problematic for your teeth later on down the line.

That’s the bad news……

The good news is that at Sheen Dental we’re adept at helping people with one or more missing teeth, enabling them to restore their beautiful smile. Why not contact us to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can help bring back your smile once and for all. We invite you to come and speak to us in person by booking a consultation. It’s totally free and is a great way of discussing your dental options in a non-obligatory way, allowing you to make a final decision about your dental future. Either contact us direct on 020 8876 5277 or book via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk