Dental Implant Surgery: Preparing for the Procedure

Deciding to get a dental implant is always a wise choice if you are qualified for it. Before your ‘new tooth’ is implanted, however, there are certain things you need to know about and do. The procedure is complicated, and some measures need to be observed.

dental implants in RichmondFirst, we will conduct a comprehensive dental examination to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure. After some discussions and once the recommendation is finalised, you will await the date of the procedure. You need to manage your expectations so that you do not have any apprehensions on the day of the surgery.

Here is how you should prepare for your procedure:

Know the Procedure

Other than our explanations about the surgery, you may want to read up on the processes involved and the side effects of the surgery. This will help lessen your anxiety. If you come across a piece of information that you think we have overlooked, ask us about it.

Let Your Existing Conditions be Known

We encourage you to speak up about the existing conditions you have, as they may affect the procedure, especially the healing process. Specify the medicines you are currently taking or the ones you previously used.

Find Out if You Have to Modify Your Diet

Before the surgery, it is important to ask us if you will have to change your diet or fast. This depends on the type of sedation we are going to use on you. You will have to be careful when it comes to your post-surgery diet. Avoid chewy, hard and crunchy foods. Choose alternatives to meet your nutritional requirements. For instance, you can eat eggs instead of meats for your protein fix.

Organise Your Transportation

Arrange for someone to take you to the clinic and home. Sedation may affect your senses and alertness. You may still drive if you receive mild sedation, but make sure you have a companion. These are only some of the things you need to do before the procedure. Get more tips related to dental implant procedure by reading our blog posts. You may also contact us to learn more about treatments.