The Risky and Trusty Business Of Dental Implants

At Sheen Dental we never under-estimate the levels of trust placed in us when a patients decides to undergo treatment for dental implants in Richmond using our services. In return our patients should know that we do everything we can to minimise the risk. We’re highly skilled and well practised, and fitting dental implants is something that we do every single day. When a patient is assessed properly, the appropriate treatment chosen, and meticulous planning has taken place, the results can be astonishing for the patient concerned, and in some cases even life changing!

dental implants in RichmondWith this in mind, we can’t under-estimate the importance of choosing the right implant surgeon to carry out the process. But how do you go about doing this?

The answer – Do your homework

If you initially like the look of a particular dental practice that you’ve either been recommended, or stumbled across on the internet, do a little background digging. Check out the clinic, the location, and the team themselves. Find out how often they perform dental implant surgery and how many implants they’ve placed. Also it pays to know their success rates too. All of this can be done via a phone call or as many dental practices offer, a free no-obligation consultation.

Check the surgeon’s background too. Have they simply attended a two day implant course and decided that’s the road they’d like to pursue; or has the dentist studied hard, invested time in the area of dental implants, and been mentored by some of the leading names in the implant world?

Pay close attention to testimonials. Any self respecting implant surgeon will have testimonials, often in video format, that you can glean information from. If you want to take it further, why not ask the dentist if they can provide you with contact names and email addresses of previous patients who have undergone the treatment.

Risk, just like trust is everywhere. It’s risky for example when we cross the road but we trust that the vehicle is going to stop when we step out onto the zebra crossing. Alternatively when we get into our vehicles after a service we trust that the garage has made sure the brakes work; or when we board an aircraft we trust that the pilot knows how to fly the plane. Taking risks and applying trust are part and parcel of our everyday lives, but when it comes to dental implants, patient’s shouldn’t have to cross their fingers and hope for the best. Not in the 21st century anyway!

If you’re considering undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, then we invite you to come and speak to us before you make a final decision. To make a booking you can do so via our website at or via the phone on 020 8876 5277.