Why Should I Attend A Six Monthly Dental Check-Up Anyway?

Let’s face it, having to go to the dentist every six months can seem like a lot of hassle and unnecessary expense, especially when you’ve had no oral problems and practice good oral care. However the importance of regular check-ups especially when you’ve undergone treatments such as dental implants in Richmond, can never be underestimated.

Good home care just isn’t enough

dental implants in RichmondEven with excellent oral home care (regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing) the amount of plaque that we get from foods and drink during a six month period can be significant. The trouble is that when plaque builds up there are areas next to or under the gum line that the bristles of your toothbrush simply can’t reach. For this reason it’s important to get them removed using specialist dental equipment in order to keep your teeth healthy. The same goes for patients with dental implants. Just like your normal teeth dental implants can be prone to attack from bacteria,. Therefore it’s vital to remove any signs of plaque or tartar build up.

Spotting problems early

As well as a preventative action, regular dental check-ups give the dentist the chance to quickly spot any changes in your teeth or mouth that weren’t there six months previously. This way any problems can be spotted early on and can be treated before they escalate further. Take dental implants for example; it can be very difficult for a patient to spot if they have any problems because most of the signs aren’t really visible. What’s more, many of the issues such as the early stages of peri-implantitis aren’t painful either. However during a check-up a dentist should be able to pick up on any issues and take action before it’s too late. Aside from implant problems a dentist should also be assessing for more serious issues such as oral cancer and severe gum disease.

Signs of other problems

The mouth serves as a window to the rest of the body and as such certain problems found in the mouth might also be an indication of underlying issues with your health. For example mouth ulcers can be a good indication of Crohn’s disease or Coeliac disease; pale and bleeding gums can be a significant marker for blood disorders; and changes in tooth appearance may also indicate eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.

Whether you’ve previously undergone treatment for dental implants in Richmond or simply want to take better care of your teeth and your overall health then come and talk to Sheen Dental. To make a booking, why not contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or directly on 020 8876 5277 today and take control of your oral health.