What Should I Expect When I Undergo Dental Implants In Richmond?

Let’s face it, undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond is a big undertaking and here at Sheen Dental we never underestimate the amount of trust patients place in us. We know from experience that one of the most worrying aspects when a patient undergoes the implantation process is not the procedure itself, instead it’s knowing what to expect. With this in mind, we thought that it would be a good idea to try and alleviate some of that worry and give a detailed account of the procedure from start to finish.

Treatment planning

dental implants in RichmondThe first step of the process is treatment planning. After an initial consultation the dentist will take a closer look at the patient’s oral and overall health. By taking a series of X-rays and receiving answers from medical questions the dentist can build up a case study. From this case study the dentist will design an individual treatment plan. This might include any other necessary treatment prior to implant placement such as bone grafts, time scales for stage completion, and recovery times.

Placing the implants

The second step is the surgery itself. In a pain-free procedure the dental surgeon will then take the information gleaned from the X-rays and use it to accurately place the implant into the perfect position in the mouth.

Recovery time

Next the titanium implant needs time to integrate with the surrounding bone tissue. This is a process known as osseointegration and is what creates a strong platform which can then support a crown. In some cases this can occur in as little as six weeks but in others it can be as much as 6 months.

Abutment placement

After the dental surgeon is happy that osseointegration has taken place then the next stage is to have the abutment fitted. This is a small socket that connects the titanium post (implant) to the porcelain crown. It also acts as a shock absorber so that when you bite down naturally the force is evenly distributed. It’s a quick procedure that involves making a tiny cut in the gum to expose the implant once again and fitting the abutment on top.

Crown placement

Finally the last stage is the crown placement. This is where the patient gets their permanent crown fitted. It’s usually cemented onto the abutment post and therefore doesn’t require a surgical procedure.

The whole procedure from start to finish can take up to 9 months but in most cases it’s often less than this. If after reading this you’re intrigued to find out more about dental implants in Richmond then we invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation with us. Here you can get your questions and concerns answered, allowing you to make an informed dental choice. Either contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively phone us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.