Why It Pays To Spend Money On Dental Implant Treatment?

Whether you’re considering treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, or anywhere else in the country one thing’s for sure, it doesn’t come cheap. Especially when you compare it to other forms of missing teeth replacement such as conventional dentures or bridge work. So why should you spend money on a form of teeth replacement that requires both time and surgery? The fact is, that it’s well worth it. Here’s why?

They’re a permanent fixture

dental implants in RichmondBecause dental implants are inserted into the jaw and eventually bond with the surrounding bone and tissue, they become a permanent fixture in the mouth. This means they never need replacing, taking out at night to clean, or require fixatives to hold them in place. They remain (just like your natural teeth) a lifelike structure in the mouth. Maintaining them is a breeze with regular brushing and flossing and to most people, they wouldn’t even know that you have them.

They can take years off you

Dental implants are affectionately known as the rejuvenating teeth because once fitted they can make a patient appear younger than their years. Because implant are secured directly into the jawbone they stimulate the bone tissue that once surrounded the tooth root. As a result they halt the bone loss process known as resorption. Resorption occurs right away after a tooth is missing and is ongoing, eventually resulting in a thinning of the gum and jaw line. Often those with thinning gums have a pinched in appearance accompanied by wrinkled skin. Conversely, implants give you a fuller mouth, thus tightening up the skin making you look and feel years younger.

Confidence booster

Having missing teeth is no fun. It can really inhibit your ability to eat, chew, speak, or smile. It’s understandable then that tooth loss sufferers prefer to withdraw from social engagements such as meals with friends and family, nights out, or even dates. Dental implants have the ability to bring back your smile, boost confidence and give you back your self-esteem.

Finally they’re forever!

Well, not quite but they have been proven to last forty years or more in some patients. When you compare the longevity of dental implants to the shelf life of a conventional denture (7-10 years) it’s easy to see why implants are actually a cheaper long-term alternative.

So what about if you can’t get over the initial hurdle of the cost?

The good news is that most dental clinics realise that this is a sticking point and as such most offer a variety of payment plans where you can spread payments over a period of time. So knowing what you know now, there really is no excuse not to have implant-based restorations for your missing teeth.

To find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can change your life, why not contact Sheen Dental and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions answered so that you can make a fully informed decision. To book yours either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to warmly welcoming you to our clinic.