What Happens After Your Dental Implant Procedure?

There’s been much written about dental implants in Richmond and what you should expect, but there appears to be little information about what happens after the event. After all, once your final crown is fitted and you go home with a new tooth or teeth is that really it? Well not exactly. In fact there are other steps that you’ll have to follow. With this in mind, let’s take a look.

Care plan

dental implants in RichmondBefore you walk out of any dental implant clinic for the final time you should receive a care plan. This details things like:

  • How to care for your implants properly – This includes details on when you need to brush and floss, how long for, and if applicable – how best to effectively use any specialist implant brushes
  • What to look for with regard to implant problems – The trouble is that many implant problems show no outward signs that anything is wrong. What’s more most of them aren’t painful either, so it’s important to look for any slight changes in and around the implant area.
  • Who to call if you have any problems – On the care plan should also be a list of contact details so you know who to call in the event of a implant emergency

by following the care plan it should stand you in good stead going forwards while lengthening the life of your dental implants at the same time.


A couple of weeks after the final fitting most clinics will expect you to come back to the clinic for a post treatment review. This is to make sure that the implants are doing exactly what they should do and that there are no further issues or problems. Also the review acts as the time where you can have your say on how you felt the process went and whether you’re happy or unhappy with the end results.

Regular six monthly check-ups

Even if you didn’t visit the dentist for regular six monthly check-ups before you were fitted with dental implants, it’s imperative that you do so now. The reasons are two-fold. Firstly dental implants and bacteria don’t mix, so any build up or plaque and/or tartar which can’t be removed by normal brushing, can at least be eradicated by the hygienist. Secondly if there are any signs of implant problems, the dentist can deal with them early on before they escalate.

As you can see, when you experience a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country you can expect a thorough but lengthy process. In fact it’s more of a lifetime commitment rather than a simple procedure and that’s what makes it so effective.

If you want to find out more about dental implants then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been fitting dental implants for many years so you can rest assured you’re going to be in safe and trusted hands. Why not get the ball rolling and visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk to make a free, no-obligation booking. Our experienced and friendly team are standing by to help.