Dental Implants And Image Guided Surgery

If you’re considering opting for dental implants in Richmond you might be weighing up the risks and comparing the procedure to conventional denture fitting. While it’s true that any surgical procedure has attached risks, the fact is that dental implants are the closest thing to natural looking teeth that modern dentistry allows. For this reason its becoming more and more popular. What if those risks could be limited further – would dental implants become a more appealing option? This is where image guided surgery comes in.

So what exactly is it and how does it help?

dental implants in RichmondIn essence it’s considered today’s most advanced method of placing dental implants and one that takes the risk out of incorrectly positioning them. What it gives the dentist is the ability to accurately see the exacting position of critical structures within the mouth such as nerves, tooth roots, and sinus cavities using 3D imaging. Because everything is preplanned on an exact computer image of the patient’s mouth, the surgeon knows the precise trajectory and depth that the implant has to be, therefore making placement quicker and safer.

So what are the advantages for the patient?

More accurate placement

As already stated, 3D imaging can tell the surgeon exactly where to place the implant and at what angle and what depth. This makes for a speedier placement involving smaller incisions. Ultimately this helps to make for an all-round, stress-free experience for the patient.

Sets the stage

Because the implant is virtually guaranteed to be accurately placed every time it sets the stage for better aesthetic outcomes. This makes the restoration phase of the procedure easier and hassle-free.

Foresee predicted results

Virtual mock-ups or models used during the planning phase of implant guided surgery allow patients to take a look at the end results before any teeth have been placed. This gives them the chance to make more informed treatment choices when presented with multiple options.

Reduces the risk of human error

One of the main risks of undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond is the human error factor. Incorrectly placed implants can be problematic because they’re not positioned sufficiently to be able to take the full bite force of another tooth when chewing. The end result is a cracked or broken implant which then has to be removed. Conversely, implant guided surgery takes away the risk of human error giving correct placement every time.

Here at Sheen Dental, Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team use state of the art equipment suck as 3D imaging and virtual mock-ups to continually ensure correct placement of our dental implants. In Richmond at our modern clinic we’re open and honest about all our procedures and for this reason we invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered by the team. To book yours, either fill in the contact form on our website at or alternatively talk to us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to welcoming you.