Looking For Denture Stability? – Then Implants Might Be The Way Forward

In the past, if you’ve opted for conventional dentures as a form of missing teeth replacement as opposed to dental implants in Richmond you might by now be experiencing slipping teeth. The problem is that even the very best dentures will over time become loose. That’s a fact!

dental implants in RichmondLoose dentures are undoubtedly the bane of anyone’s life. Not only can they cause problems when eating, they can also cause embarrassment especially if they slip and slide when speaking. For many people the problem is seriously debilitating as it can coincide with feelings of self consciousness and can also bring about withdrawal from social situations.

So what’s the answer?

At Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been placing dental implants into the mouths of patients for many years and during that time the team have seen many people who are simply at their wits end with their dentures. Now thanks to the technology of dental implants, we have the ability to securely fix their dentures so that they never have to worry about movement ever again. By using a process known as implant retained dentures it feels just like you’ve got your own teeth back.

So how does it work?

A series of dental implants are securely anchored into the jaw bone at strategic positions. Once fitted, a fully customised set of removable dentures is clipped or snapped into place via a framework supported by the implants. The results are a super strong set of dentures that are virtually as strong as your natural teeth. This means you’ll have no problems crunching on an apple or chewing on lean meats. In fact avoiding foods because you simply can’t eat them will become a thing of the past. This allows you to make healthy food choices thus promoting overall well-being.

If you’re literally fed up to the back teeth with your dentures then talk to your local clinic dealing in dental implants in Richmond. At Sheen Dental we’ve been perfecting implant retained denture techniques for many years and as such have experienced first hand the joy that patients have when they realise that they never have to worry about their dentures ever again.

Using a free, no obligation consultation we invite you to come and talk to us about your dental options. Remember nobody should have to put up with ill fitting teeth, so start the ball rolling and get in touch today. Contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively call us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. We look forward to welcoming you.