The Debilitating Problem Of Dentures

As we get older we tend to loose our teeth through decay, other lost teeth, or gum disease. When this happens we have several choices. Firstly if you have just one or two missing teeth, then you can opt for dental implants in Richmond which are secured directly into the jaw bone. Alternatively for those who have multiple or entire rows of missing teeth, they can opt for implant retained dentures, or conventional dentures. The problem with the latter is that despite the fact that they’re cheaper and don’t require any form of surgical procedure around 96% of all conventional denture wearers experience problems.

So what kind of problems?

Food limitations

dental implants in RichmondThe chewing power of conventional dentures is thought to be around 10% of that of normal teeth, so unfortunately many denture wearers will struggle with certain foods such as crunchy fruit and vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and sweets such as toffees.

Speech problems

Believe it or not around 70% of dentures wearers will have problems at some time or other with their speech. As dentures start to slip and slide in the mouth it inhibits pronunciation of certain words. In addition the wearer has the extra worry of the possibility of denture fallout to contend with.

Bland foods

Because conventional dentures cover the palate area of your mouth it inhibits the true taste of foods meaning that many foods taste bland.

Inability to wear them

It’s thought that around 15% of those people who are eligible for conventional dentures can’t get on with them anyway. This could be because they become uncomfortable in the mouth, they simply won’t stay in place, or they have a bad gag reflex.

There’s no doubting that this makes for pretty depressing reading, however there is a solution. Dental implants are a perfect alternative for those who simply can’t get on with conventional dentures or are looking for a change. Using a process known as denture stabilisation we can give you a new set of removable dentures that are held securely in place by dental implants. The advantages are they can restore chewing power, meaning you can eat whatever you like, when you like. Also because they’re held firmly in position, they won’t slip or slide meaning that eating or speaking is problem-free. Finally, unlike conventional dentures they won’t need replacing.

If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they are a great alternative to conventional dentures then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation where we can discuss your dental options. To book yours either do so via our website at, or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to hearing from you.