A Tongue In Cheek Look At The History Of Dentistry Part 2

Remember it’s the second half of the 18th century and dental implants in Richmond are a long way from happening (240 years to be precise). However in the dental world things are starting to move at break neck speed and we start in France.

First porcelain teeth

dental implants in RichmondIn 1789 the Frenchman Nicolas Dubois De Chemant is granted the world’s first patent for constructing teeth out of porcelain. Mind you he probably wouldn’t have carried out too many replacements because around this time in France every aristocrat seemed to be losing their head!

Ah yes -the dental chair!

British Born James Snell finally invents the worlds’ first reclining dental chair in 1832

Rubber tyres for teeth?

Well not quite but in 1839 Charles Goodyear (yes he of tyre fame) invented a hardened rubber called vulcanite. Dentists at the time found that it was an inexpensive material which was easily moulded into the mouth making an excellent (if rather bizarre) base for false teeth.

Back to school

By 1840 the world’s first dental school was formed in Baltimore USA.

Oh the pain!

In 1845 Horace Wells an eminent scientist of the time held a demonstration using anaesthesia. The problem was it didn’t work and the patient began to cry out in pain. Thankfully one year later in 1846 Dentist William Morton manages it successfully.

Women dentists whatever next!

Up until 1866 dentistry had been the industry of men only but that was about to change when Lucy Beaman Hobbs became the first American woman to qualify as a fully trained dentist.

Toothpaste as we know it

By 1880 the first collapsible metal tube was introduced which revolutionised toothpaste and by 1886 Colgate had manufactured the first creamy substance that we know today.

A recognisable tooth brush

Bizarrely it wasn’t until 1938 that the world’s first nylon tooth brush was invented using synthetic bristles and by 1950 the first fluoride toothpastes were produced.

Modernising tooth replacement

The world first successful dental implant procedure was performed by Per Ingvar Branemark in 1965. Surprisingly the implants he placed in his patient remained in perfect condition for 41 years, right up until the patients death in 2006.

DIY Teeth Whitening

In 1980 the very first home teeth bleaching kit was invented. Now everyone wanted a Hollywood smile.

So there you have it, a brief but interesting look into the history of dentistry. Thankfully over the last 30 years modern technology means that dentistry in particular dental implants in Richmond are now pushing the boundaries of what’s possible when it comes to tooth loss and dentistry in general.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants then why not book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. Contact us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for more details.