Got Missing Teeth – Have You Considered Dental Implants?

If you’re searching for a solution to missing teeth your first thoughts on dental implants in Richmond might be that they’re pretty expensive. For this reason alone you may have discounted them in favour of other forms of teeth replacement. However if you look at the bigger picture more often than not, implant-based restorations are your best option.

dental implants in RichmondWhile it’s true you can opt for cheaper tooth restorations such as conventional bridges or, in the case of multiple missing teeth dentures, they can cause more harm than good. Bridges for example rely on adjacent healthy teeth which then have to be ground down and re-shaped to accommodate the supporting framework. This opens them up to susceptibility from decay, plus a whole host of other tooth problems. Dentures aren’t exactly ideal either. Because they sit on the gum line they can actually exacerbate the bone loss process that occurs naturally when teeth are missing. As the shape of the jaw changes, then overtime, once snug fitting dentures can easily become loose and when they do it makes it very difficult to talk and chew food. In addition ill-fitting dentures can rub on the gum line causing painful sores. Because of all these factors dentures need periodical adjustment and eventually replacement.

Conversely, although dental implants might seem initially expensive, in the long term, they can actually work out a good investment for your oral health.

  • Firstly they’re long lasting. Typically an implant (if cared for in the correct way) lasts 25-30 years, however they have has been known to last forty years plus. This is far longer than your average denture which is thought to last somewhere between 7 and 10 years.
  • Secondly, they’re a permanent fixture in the mouth. Because implants are attached directly to the jawbone they’re never going to move. Therefore wearers no longer have to worry about the problems of loose fitting teeth replacements. Once they’re in, that’s it.
  • Finally, unlike conventional dentures, implant-based restorations actually halt the bone loss process once and for all. Because they’re anchored into the jaw bone by means of a titanium root, the remaining bone tissue starts to merge and fuse with it, in some cases even reversing the process.

It’s easy to brush off a dental implant in Richmond as being too expensive but when you consider your options it really is a hassle-free restoration that can last for the rest of your life.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants, Richmond based Sheen dental have been successfully fitting implant-based dental restorations for many years. We invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation with the team where you can get any questions and concerns you might have answered, while discussing your dental options. To make a booking either do so via our website at or phone directly on 020 8876 5277.