So Aren’t Dental Implants Really Expensive?

Despite dental implants in Richmond becoming more available and more affordable to the everyday person, costs are still initially high, especially when you compare them to other forms of teeth replacement. However don’t let that put you off because the true benefits of implant-based restorations far outweigh the initial cost factor in comparison with alternative options. Let’s take a closer look at their main advantages.


dental implants in RichmondThe truth is that unlike other forms of teeth replacement, dental implants don’t rely on otherwise healthy teeth or gums for support. Dentures for instance sit on the gum line and not only can the action of chewing eventually start to wear down the jaw, the denture itself will also need replacing as the jaw bone shrinks. Dental bridges are also parasitic in that they rely on the support of adjacent healthy teeth which need to be ground down to support a framework for the bridging tooth/teeth. It’s easy therefore to see how both forms of teeth replacement can cause further problems later on down the line and ultimately cost you more in the long-term .

Conversely, dental implants are anchored directly into the jaw bone and as such they become stand alone teeth. Implants can them be used to either replace missing teeth on a ‘one-for-one’ basis or are able to support a framework for a dental bridge, partial plate, or even as part of a structure supporting an entire dental arch. If this isn’t enough, once implants are in place, they’re permanent, meaning they should never need replacing.

Hassle free

Although dental implants require a surgical procedure, once a full recovery has been made they are in effect hassle-free. They look, feel and (to a certain extent) act just like your natural teeth. Therefore regular and proper brushing and flossing is all it takes to keep them looking good and staying healthy. When you compare this to conventional dentures which require a constant supply of sterilising tablets and dental fixative (all which are all added costs), it’s easy to see how dental implants are a cost effective option.

Looking years younger

It isn’t purely the long-term monetary savings that dental implants can bring, it’s also the psychological advantages too. For example, those that have worn dentures or suffered missing teeth for any length of time will find that their physical facial features will start to change. As the jaw shrinks due to ongoing bone resorption the cheeks become sunken in, causing the skin to sag. This can make a person look a lot older than their years. Clearly this is going to have a psychological effect on a person’s confidence and self-esteem.

Alternatively, implants not only halt the bone loss process once and for all they also take the place of missing teeth, giving the wearer a fuller face and a natural smile. Many people who have undergone the process state that the physical transformation makes them look and feel years younger and of course, that’s something you really can’t put a price on.

Here at Sheen Dental we have a variety of payment options when it comes to dental implants in Richmond whereby people can spread the cost of the treatment over a number of months. This makes it both an affordable and viable option. To find out more, visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today and don’t be put off by the initial cost.