Choosing The Right Dental Implants For Those With Missing Teeth

As we’ve already mentioned in our blog, dental implants in Richmond are a great solution for missing teeth and can soon put the smile back on your face. However, if you’re tired of struggling with loose dentures, have several missing teeth, and find your oral health hard to maintain, you may be wondering how you can regain a more permanent solution. The answer may lie in dental implants and because they’re so versatile, a chat with your dentist to ascertain what may be the right type of implant for you, is worth considering.

Choosing the right type of implant

dental implants in RichmondWe can give you a little information about the various types of implants below but as the first step of the implant procedure we recommend that you book a consultation with us. This will allow our experienced team to give you a thorough oral examination to assess your dental health and decide on the best type on implant treatment for your particular situation. If your oral health is poor, then you may need treatment to correct that before implants can be placed,

Options for replacing missing teeth with dental implants

Implant retained dentures

For many older people dentures are seen as one of the best solutions for missing teeth and it’s true that modern day dentures are much lighter and more natural looking than their predecessors. However, as most denture wearers will tell you, stopping them from moving and slipping can be a challenge. We can use as few as 4 dental implants to support your dentures, keeping them securely in your mouth so that they function more effectively. Special connectors are placed on both the implant post and the underside of the dentures, allowing them to be easily snapped on and off as required.

Fixed implant bridge

For many adults it isn’t just a case of a single tooth replacement but that several teeth are missing in a row. Traditionally a partial denture or a dental bridge would have been the solution. However, a partial denture doesn’t prevent bone loss from occurring and a dental bridge means modifying healthy teeth on either end of the gap to fit the crowns which are used to support the bridge. By using a dental implant at either end of the gap topped with a prosthetic crown, we can then ‘bridge the gap’ as it were with a fixed arch of prosthetic teeth.

Teeth in a day

Finally for those patients who just don’t have the time to wait for the healing process associated with dental implants we can carry out a procedure known as ‘teeth in a day’. This involves the majority of the preparation taking place beforehand and may consist of 3D scans and computer images coupled with liaisons between various dental professionals. On the day of the treatment, you will have any teeth needing to be removed extracted, implants placed, and a partial or full denture attached to the implants. This means that you’ll leave the clinic the very same day with a new set of teeth. You will however need to return in two or three months once the bone healing has taken place to have a more accurate set of dentures fitted.

If you feel that a dental implant in Richmond could solve your dental health problems then please get in touch with Sheen Dental. We offer a free no obligation consultation which you can book online at or call us on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.