3 Things You Can Put Into Action Right Now To Help Your Dental Health

For those that have experienced missing or badly decayed teeth it’s good to know that dental implants in Richmond can help to restore a gappy or poor smile. However if you haven’t yet got to the stage where you need teeth replacement but are worried about your overall dental health then you’ll be pleased to know that there are habits that you can put into action right now that will prolong the life of your teeth.

Healthy eating – healthy you

dental implants in RichmondYou’ll already be aware that eating a well balanced diet ensures that you maintain a healthy body, but did you know that poor nutrition can also affect your immune system making you far more susceptible to oral problems such as gum disease or tooth decay? In addition by limiting sugary foods or by reducing your overall sugar intake you’ll be protecting your teeth from plaque attacks which can cause tooth decay or cavities. By eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, and nuts it helps your body to fight bacteria while protecting your mouth and gums too.

Limiting alcohol

While it’s true that the odd glass of wine after a stressful day isn’t gong to cause you any harm, those who drink alcohol excessively can be prone to increased gum recession meaning that healthy teeth become less stable in the mouth. Moreover those who drink to excess are six times more likely to get oral cancer than those who severely limit their alcohol intake or those who don’t drink at all.

Attending regular check-ups

You’ve probably heard dentists banging on about the importance of regular check-ups and are thinking to yourself “what’s the point of going every six months when my teeth seem okay”. Besides it’s also going to save you a whole heap of cash. The truth is that regular dental check-up’s are the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy mouth and a great looking smile. Yes they’ll probably give your teeth a quick clean and polish to remove any excess plaque, but did you also know that many dental problems aren’t really noticeable to the untrained eye and aren’t generally painful either? – that is until they get to the latter stages anyhow. For this reason your dental check up acts as the major line of defence against ongoing teeth problems as any issues should be spotted and dealt with early on. This means that you can feel safe in the knowledge that you really do have healthy teeth and that you aren’t going to come up against any expensive dental costs any time soon because let’s face it – a dental implant in Richmond although extremely effective, doesn’t come cheap.

To find out more about how you can protect your teeth or to enquire about dental implants in Richmond then visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Alternatively if you do have dental issues and feel it’s about time you did something about it, then why not contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation today.