Pumpkins, Witches, and Cavities

As a dentist with a special interest in dental implants in Richmond I for one love Halloween. The sheer excitement on the kids faces (and indeed some adults) as they go trick or treating makes it a special time of year. The problem is that it’s also one of the most sugary times of the year too. Even if you’re past trick or treating, sweet treats seem to be everywhere. From office treats and parties through to raiding the kid’s hard-earned sweet haul, it’s extremely difficult to avoid the sugar rush that comes with Halloween. For this reason it’s even more important to safeguard against the perils of tooth decay. With this in mind, here’s a quick run down on how you can avoid teeth problems while still enjoying this fun time of year.

Stepping up your dental hygiene

dental implants in RichmondAlthough practising good dental hygiene is important at any time of year, if you really want to avoid a build up of plaque and tartar then the excess sugar that you might intake at this time of year needs to be dealt with quickly. For this reason be extra thorough with your brushing and flossing. Twice a day with regular flossing is really the minimum you should aim for. Ideally though you should be looking to brush your teeth after you’ve eaten any sweet treats and after mealtimes. This ensures any sticky residue that can form plaque won’t be hanging around.

Be sensible about sweet treats

By practising sensible dental care the good news is that sweet treats don’t have to be banished completely at this time of year. One way to do this is to try to limit sweet treats to immediately after meal times. The reason for this is that your mouth produces more saliva after a meal which helps to wash away any harmful bacteria or food particles that may otherwise linger. If this isn’t feasible then take sips of water when chewing on a sugary snack. It acts the same way as saliva and helps to eradicate much of the sticky plaque. Failing this try chewing sugar-free gum after partaking in a sweet treat. It helps to stimulate saliva flow.

Avoid sugary drinks

Finally avoid sugary or fizzy drinks if you can. You might think that the sugar-free varieties are okay but in fact because they’re carbonated the acidity can soften tooth enamel making them more prone to tooth decay.

So there you have it, if you want to practise a cavity-free Halloween then follow the tips above and you’re sure to have a great time. For more information about how to look after your teeth or if you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how that can solve your missing tooth problems then visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. We look forward to hearing from you.