Dental Implants – The Fear Of The Unknown

For anyone considering undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, despite all the positive aspects there’s likely to be a slight element of concern by the patient. This concern is only natural as it can be quite a big undertaking particularly as it involves a surgical procedure. That said, with over 15,000 dental implants placed every year in the UK, implant based restorations are becoming more and more popular. However despite their growing popularity it’s the fear of the unknown that tends to dissuade some people from having the treatment – instead opting for more conventional (and often, less effective) methods.

dental implants in RichmondIn the 21st century dental practices are becoming more patient aware and this includes helping patients to deal with dental fears and anxieties. For this reason most practices including Sheen Dental offer a free initial consultation to anyone seriously considering dental implants. The whole point of this process is to meet with the team, tour the facilities and to get any questions and concerns that they might have answered. We’ve seen it time and time again that when a patient familiarises themselves with the clinic and the team who are going to be carrying out the treatment, then the main element of fear is often eradicated. Ultimately this means that the patient can go into the procedure calmly and relaxed and even looking forward to the outcome.

So what about patient who have a deep rooted fear of the dentist?

For some people, even sitting in a dental chair is just too much, let alone undergoing a surgical procedure. Many of these problems stem back to bad dental experiences in the past. For these people we offer a variety of dental sedation techniques that help to relax the patient sufficiently so that they can have the treatment they need. Using a combination of oral sedatives, mild intravenous sedation, and nitrous oxide which is gently inhaled, patients feel deeply relaxed but remain fully conscious. In addition modern technology allows for total pain-free dentistry giving the patient an all round pleasant experience.

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond but feel a little nervous about what to expect, then we invite you to come and speak to Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. After a free consultation with us, we promise that you’ll go away having a much clearer understanding about the best course of action for your dental health. To book yours either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. Remember don’t let your fears stop you from enjoying the life changing benefits that dental implants can bring!