How Quickly Can I Return To Work After Dental Implant Surgery?

As a long-serving clinic dealing in dental implants in Richmond one of the first questions we’re asked is how long does the recovery process take and how soon can I return to work? With people leading busy lives it’s understandable that they need to know. So how long is it – a day or two, a week, a month – when?

dental implants in RichmondUnfortunately it isn’t as simple as suggesting that if you’ve had this amount of surgery done, you’ll be back to work in this many days as recovery time can depend on many variables. That said as a general rule of thumb, when a person undergoes a relatively straight forward single implant procedure then it’s perfectly normal for them to be able to go back to work in two to three days. Conversely, some patients who have had multiple implants placed might find that they need several weeks before they’re able to go back to work. Even then there might be other factors involved that dictate your personal recovery time. So what are they?

Existing medical problems

Patients are normally fully checked out before they undergo implant treatment and often those with existing medical problems such as diabetes or osteoporosis may be told to expect a longer recovery time depending on their condition. This however should be documented in a patient’s personalised treatment plan so they know what to expect.


In patients that smoke recovery times are often dramatically increased and this is why they’re often advised by their clinic to cease smoking at least for the duration of the process and the entire recovery period. This can be anything up to nine months. Clearly if a patient chooses to smoke, then not only does this increase their chances of recovery but it could also put their newly placed implants at risk too.

So what can you do to speed up recovery times?

In essence it’s best to follow all post operative instructions given by your dental surgeon. These detail important factors such as how to care for your mouth immediately after surgery, what foods to eat, and how to avoid infection.

If you’d like to find out more about post surgical recovery times or indeed any other aspects of dental implants in Richmond then why not book a free, no obligation consultation at Sheen Dental. To make a reservation either fill in the booking form on our website at or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team look forward to welcoming you.