5 Great Reasons Why You Might Choose Dental Implants

It’s not just dental implants in Richmond that are seeing a huge rise. Countrywide implant retained oral surgery is increasing year upon year and is fast becoming the most popular form of teeth replacement. Let’s take a closer look at why that might be.

They’re permanent

dental implants in RichmondWhenever the word ‘permanent’ is mentioned in context to dental implants it often has a dual meaning. Firstly and unlike any other form of tooth replacement, dental implants are anchored directly into the jaw bone giving you maximum stability. Unlike conventional dentures implants don’t rely on suction to hold them in place and therefore aren’t likely to loosen, becoming a permanent fixture in the mouth. Secondly they’re also permanent in the sense that once they’re in place and provided that they’re cared for correctly, they have been known to last forty years or more. When you compare this to the shelf life of your typical denture (7 -10) years then it’s about as permanent as a tooth replacement is likely to be.

Natural looking

Even though conventional dentures are more lightweight and lifelike than ever before the wearer still has the worry of their dentures shifting in the mouth. Ultimately this can cause acute embarrassment if it were to occur when eating or speaking in public. Conversely with a dental implant a patient will never have this problem. The titanium rod acts just like a real tooth root and the crowns are perfectly shaped and colour matched to resemble natural teeth. In fact, many people say that their implants are so lifelike that friends and family simply can’t tell the difference.

Preventing bone loss

One of the major issues with tooth loss is that it kick starts a process known as bone resorption. This is where the surrounding bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated. Because of this it starts to waste away. As it does so it causes gum and bone shrinkage making you not only appear older but it can also undermine otherwise healthy teeth. Unfortunately conventional dentures or bridges won’t solve this problem as they either sit on the gum line or rely on support from other healthy teeth. This is why dentures require on-going adjustment and eventually replacement to fit the ever changing features of the face. Dental implants on the other hand are permanently fixed into the jaw bone and are designed to mimic the natural tooth root. Because of this the titanium implant re-stimulates the surrounding bone tissue, thus halting any further bone loss permanently.

Safe for adjacent teeth

We’ve already touched on the fact that conventional bridges need the support of adjacent healthy teeth as they’re ground down and reshaped to accommodate the bridging framework. This might put them at risk from future decay. Conversely a dental implant is completely self supporting and is therefore not reliant on any other teeth, meaning that adjacent teeth remain healthy.

Hassle-free care

Once the dental implants are placed into position they really are a hassle free option when compared to other forms of tooth replacement. Unlike dentures which require special adhesives, sterilisers, and cleaning agents to keep them free from bacteria, dental implants simply require regular brushing and flossing, That’s it! In addition dental implants will never need a root canal or a filling as your natural teeth might.

So there you have it. 5 great reasons to choose dental implants over other form of tooth replacement. If you need more information regarding dental implants in Richmond then why not check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you can find everything you need to know about the implantation process. Alternatively why not book yourself a free, no -obligation consultation by phoning us on 020 8876 5277. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make an informed dental decision. Dr Kalsi and the team look forward to meeting you.