How Smoking Can Affect Your Dental Implants

Dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the country are widely regarded as the most effective method of tooth replacement currently on the market. A dental implant can maintain the health of your mouth and jaw way beyond the capabilities of other forms of tooth replacement.

dental implants in RichmondIf you’re considering dental implants then as well as being aware of the procedure you should also be aware of the risks that could lead to implant failure. Smoking is one such risk factor which we’ll explain in more detail below.

Effects of smoking

Before you even consider a dental implant, smoking is likely to have had a harmful effect on your oral health. Research has shown that smoking increases the chance of gum disease by more than 300% which often escalates into the more severe form of gum disease, periodontitis. This can weaken the teeth and cause tooth loss, leading to the need for implants. Smoking also contributes to the risk of tooth decay since more bacteria builds up and smoking reduces the amount of saliva produced which is needed to help clean the teeth.

When it comes to receiving your dental implants then by continuing to smoke the following complications could be caused:

  • Implant failure – smoking reduces the ability of the implant to fuse with the jawbone
  • Infection – smoking increases the risk of infection during surgery and decreases the effectiveness of any post antibiotics
  • Slower recovery – Even if the smoker doesn’t experience implant failure it will still take longer for recovery than if the smoker had quitted. Smoking decreases the body’s ability to heal and regenerate new tissues.

All of these potential complications are increased in a person who is a smoker, but abstaining from tobacco use prior to and after surgery can decrease these risks.

Increase your chances of dental implant success

All patients are advised to follow the following guidelines during the course of the implant procedure in order to minimise possible problems or implant failure.

  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Avoid stick or hard foods
  • Maintain dental hygiene

Here at Sheen Dental we understand that it isn’t always that easy to quit smoking. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t have a dental implant in Richmond although we would recommend that you quit smoking for a few weeks before your surgery and throughout the recovery period. Each patient is looked at on an individual basis so if you’re a smoker and looking to have dental implants why not take advantage of our free consultation so we can discuss things further. You can book online at or call us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.