4 Great Reasons Why Titanium Is Used In Dental Implants

Whether you opt for dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the UK, 99% of all dental implants are made from titanium. It isn’t because it’s cheap either. On the contrary as far as non-precious metals go, pound for pound it’s actually one of the most expensive, so why then is titanium used? Here are 4 great reasons why.

It’s lightweight, yet incredibly strong

dental implants in RichmondIf you’ve never held a dental implant in your hand you’ll be surprised to know that it’s like holding a piece of plastic. Titanium has a specific gravity of around 4.5. That’s 50% less weight than steel and 60% less than copper. Yet its hardness and strength are comparable to that of carbon steel.

Its non-toxic

Titanium is one of the few elements or materials that are classed as non-toxic to humans and animals. This means that it can be inserted into the body safely without any problems such as allergic reactions or bodily rejection.

It’s non-corrosive

Titanium is known to be more resistant to atmospheric conditions that any other metal on the planet. This means that it won’t tarnish, rust, or fracture. Therefore it’s perfect for using as a base for a dental implant especially when they can last forty years or more in the body.

Bone tissue loves it

Perhaps the most fitting reason why titanium is used in the implant process is because bone tissue loves it. One of the key aspects to dental implant success is a process known as osseointegration. The idea being that when the titanium implant is secured into the jawbone the surrounding bone tissue merges and fuses with it over time. This creates a super strong platform that becomes a base for a single crown, a dental bridge, and even part of a framework for an entire row of implant retained dentures. Without the osseointegration process a dental implant simply wouldn’t be strong enough to support a natural bite and this is what allows a patient to eat, chew, and speak naturally without any problems.

For the reasons above a dental implant simply wouldn’t be able to do it’s job without the use of titanium. If you would like to find out more about how a dental implant in Richmond can solve your missing tooth problems then speak to Sheen Dental. We’ve been successfully fitting dental implants into patients for many years and know first hand the difference they can make to a person’s life. To make an appointment either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. Dr Kalsi and the team look forward to welcoming you.