Examining The Risks Of Dental Implant Surgery

Even though implant based restorations are considered low risk they do involve a surgical procedure and because of this there is always going to be an element of risk involved. Thankfully here at Sheen Dental we’ve been placing dental implants in Richmond patients for numerous years and due to our experience we’ve achieved very high levels of success. That said it’s always worth understanding the risks involved before you decide to opt for the treatment. These include:

Nerve damage

dental implants in RichmondIn some cases a badly placed dental implant can impact on the surrounding facial nerves which can cause either temporary or permanent pain, numbness, or a tingling sensation to the lips, tongue, or cheek.

Adjacent teeth damage

Again a badly placed implant that hasn’t been angled correctly may start to undermine any adjacent teeth causing unnecessary dental problems in the future.

Perforation of the sinal cavity

In some cases where there’s been extensive bone thinning due to lengthy bone resorption after tooth loss the maxillary sinus drops and fills the space where the bone once was. In these cases if this isn’t taken into account when a dental implant is placed into the upper row of teeth, then it can easily pierce or perforate the floor of the sinal cavity causing further problems.

Bacterial infection

In rare cases an infection may be passed either from the dental implant itself or from the equipment the dentist uses. This can lead to implant failure and the need for the dentist to remove the implant, the area treated, and a new implant refitted. Clearly this scenario isn’t ideal and aside from the time taken to treat the area and replace it with a new implant, its also going to be costly too.

For these reasons it pays to seek an experienced dental implant dentist who knows exactly what they’re doing. Nowadays many clinics use state-of-the-art equipment to make sure that the correct angle and depth of the implant placement are perfect meaning the surgical risk element is greatly reduced. However even after surgery, there is a chance of implant failure through an incorrect or relaxed attitude towards dental hygiene and this is something the patient has total control over.

The bottom line is that if a patient does their homework and chooses an experienced implant dentist, and that the patient themselves are willing to commit to preserving the life of their dental implants then there’s no reason why they can’t fall into the 95% of people who have had (and continue to have) complete dental implant success.

To find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can help you then why not make an appointment with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. To book your free, no-obligation consultation contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively you can phone us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to hearing from you.