Richmond Dental Implants – How Successful Are They?

According to recent research dental implants in Richmond offer a success rate of somewhere between 95% and 98%. However this shouldn’t always be taken as true indication of your own personal experiences because there are a handful of factors (some of which a patient has total control over) which could well decrease or indeed increase these rates of success. Let’s take a closer look at what these factors might be.


dental implants in RichmondOne of the major factors that will affect the longevity of dental implants is the length of commitment that a patient is prepared to give. Although implants are regarded as the best form of tooth replacement that modern dentistry has, it’s important to understand that the implant procedure isn’t a quick fix solution. Treatment for example (even for a single implant) can take up to 9 months to complete therefore the patient needs to be fully committed to the treatment for the duration.

Another area of commitment that a patient needs is to make sure that they continually practice high levels of oral hygiene. This means regular and thorough brushing, flossing, and attending regular dental check-ups. Although dental implants are classed as a permanent solution to missing teeth, they can also fall foul to dental problems such as gum disease (just like your natural teeth would). In the early stages they’re also prone to attacks from bacteria, so it’s vitally important to keep the mouth as healthy as possible at all times.

Making the right choices

A patient can have all the commitment in the world to ensure their implants remain healthy and last, but if they aren’t placed in the correct position, are placed into an unhealthy mouth, or placed into areas where there are low areas of bone mass, then risk of implant failure is greatly increased. For this reason it’s important for a patient to find the right surgeon to carry out the procedure. Having placed hundreds of dental implants in Richmond, Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental have both the experience and the skill to make sure your implants start life in the right manner. The importance of finding the right dental surgeon who has the experience and the knowledge is ultimately key to the longevity of your implants.

To find out more about just how we can help you, we invite you to either check out our website at or to book yourself a free, no-obligation appointment on 020 8876 5277 where you can discuss your dental needs with out friendly team and give your dental implants in Richmond the very best chance of success.