4 Life Changing Factors You Might Not Know About Tooth Loss

If you’re considering undergoing dental implants in Richmond, then chances are you’ve suffered some form of tooth loss. The problem with tooth loss, especially if it isn’t dealt with early on, is that it kick starts a whole host of other issues, some of which can be life changing. Let’s take a closer look at 4 of them.

Bone loss

dental implants in RichmondWhen you suffer with missing teeth then you may be surprised to know that it isn’t solely your smile that’s affected. In addition you’ll also suffer bone loss. When teeth are lost the bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated and as a result it starts to waste away. This is known as bone resorption. This bone loss occurs quickly at first and given time it can have a detrimental effect on the rest of your teeth. Did you know for example that as much as 85% of the surrounding bone that supports the remaining healthy teeth can be lost in the first year alone? All of this stems from resorption caused by just one missing tooth!

Premature ageing

As a result of bone loss, the jaw shrinks making the skin and muscles around the face loosen. When it does, facial wrinkles, indented cheeks, and sagging skin all help to make you appear much older than your years. For many people who work hard on looking young, this can be a bitter pill to swallow.

Bite force reduction

For many people a missing tooth means a reduction in the force of their natural bite. In fact depending upon where the problem area is in the mouth, having just one missing tooth can result in a 30% reduction in bite force. This could mean that foods aren’t chewed as much so not all the nutrients are extracted, or they’re avoided altogether, meaning that you could be missing out on essential nourishment the body needs. Clearly a body that isn’t taking in the required levels of nutrients isn’t a healthy one and this could open that person up to a whole host of other problems which their natural immune system might otherwise fight off. In worst case scenarios, it could even reduce your life span.

Psychological issues

Finally something you might not associate with tooth loss is psychological issues. People with missing teeth, especially ones that are visible when they smile or are noticeable when they speak may cause acute embarrassment. Suddenly a bubbly, outgoing, happy person can begin to withdraw from social situations altogether due to low self esteem and lack of confidence.

Despite all the doom and gloom surrounding tooth loss, there is hope. If you decide to opt for a dental implant in Richmond you’ll be putting an end to all of these issues once and for all. Dental implants are the only form of tooth replacement known to halt the bone loss process. By replacing your missing teeth with a permanent lifelike fixture you can eat again naturally, look younger, and develop renewed confidence and self esteem. On top of this you’ll have a great looking smile to boot.

Contact us today on 020 8876 5277 to find out more. Alternatively you can visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk to book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation where we can discuss your dental needs and requirements. Remember you shouldn’t have to suffer with missing teeth, so come and talk to us about dental implants in Richmond. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice.